building a food ordering app that may be used in a company or by a group of people to collect an order to a restaurant
you would be responsible for building a food ordering app that may be used in a company or by a group of people to collect an order to a restaurant
the functions (stories) of the new app should be as follow:
- create group (by group owner)
- list groups
- join group
- approve join request
- order food
- view orders summary categorized per item
- view orders summary categorized per user
- finish (group owner)
Please have a discussion together about
- How to build this app
- Think with details about how to implement every feature (this may need to add more features)
- Decide about the technology stack, db type, frameworks, libraries that may be used
- Agree on a database design
to access angualar frontend repo this the link project angular
create table food_order.app_user
id bigint not null
primary key,
email varchar(255) null,
name varchar(255) null,
password varchar(255) null,
phone varchar(255) null
create table food_order.hibernate_sequence
next_val bigint null
create table
id bigint not null
primary key,
phone varchar(255) null,
name varchar(255) null
create table food_order.app_group
id bigint not null
primary key,
any_one_can_join_without_request varchar(255) null,
group_is_finished varchar(255) null,
title varchar(255) null,
restaurant_id bigint null,
constraint FK22on64c7jfj4sosyigwa51md2
foreign key (restaurant_id) references (id)
create table food_order.app_group_users
app_group_id bigint not null,
users_id bigint not null,
constraint FK3r2mw1jtfxnbr33xn1k374khx
foreign key (users_id) references food_order.app_user (id),
constraint FKbjeic8ocmmvs75m0yjy05no21
foreign key (app_group_id) references food_order.app_group (id)
create table food_order.app_group_users_request_to_join
app_group_id bigint not null,
users_request_to_join_id bigint not null,
constraint FKeds3vshd3eoini8vnla2jeu5h
foreign key (users_request_to_join_id) references food_order.app_user (id),
constraint FKmeqhnrjphklnajm7lulqay109
foreign key (app_group_id) references food_order.app_group (id)
create table food_order.app_user_owned_groups
app_user_id bigint not null,
owned_groups_id bigint not null,
constraint UK_co4se68p6nnisfqtd1e6ulaei
unique (owned_groups_id),
constraint FK6pvu2ihqlc7cl6kokxbj0l15g
foreign key (owned_groups_id) references food_order.app_group (id),
constraint FKaiw6pjfxd03e8txusgoqxjxg8
foreign key (app_user_id) references food_order.app_user (id)
create table
id bigint not null
primary key,
image varchar(255) null,
name varchar(255) null,
price double not null,
restaurant_id bigint null,
constraint FKm9xrxt95wwp1r2s7andom1l1c
foreign key (restaurant_id) references (id)
create table food_order.orders
id bigint not null
primary key,
num_of_items bigint null,
order_price float not null,
status bit not null,
group_id bigint null,
user_id bigint null,
constraint FKosotb7rvgk4myda45ki0cf9j
foreign key (user_id) references food_order.app_user (id),
constraint FKpsn0quyo33c07kcphg5alxasn
foreign key (group_id) references food_order.app_group (id)
create table food_order.app_group_order
app_group_id bigint not null,
order_id bigint not null,
constraint UK_s387318pkaa6xuna2bgi25mp
unique (order_id),
constraint FKafah9tqj6v5k2dwtli7gf9g1d
foreign key (order_id) references food_order.orders (id),
constraint FKor2yjd9m1b32dlp9q2umwcng6
foreign key (app_group_id) references food_order.app_group (id)
create table food_order.restaurant_foods
restaurant_id bigint not null,
foods_id bigint not null,
constraint UK_jcui1ncguod9vfe1qbpksy46j
unique (foods_id),
constraint FK4dbvvswitmtp26c2n425c9d12
foreign key (restaurant_id) references (id),
constraint FK546hh7nv85x4dl0aefekixbm6
foreign key (foods_id) references (id)
create table food_order.sub_order
id bigint not null
primary key,
comment varchar(255) null,
quantity int not null,
sub_order_price float not null,
food_id bigint null,
order_id bigint null,
constraint FK34oe81qmdaivn69r6vhy7a21a
foreign key (food_id) references (id),
constraint FK5orv6yl7xnpkdf4xxq6ewrl6s
foreign key (order_id) references food_order.orders (id)