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#️⃣ Useful .bashrc configs that makes work in Linux terminal more informative, fun and faster


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Useful .bashrc configs for Linux shell

Makes work in Linux terminal more informative, fun and faster

bash shell bashrc tips-and-tricks configuration bash-scripting shell-scripts colorization linux-shell

πŸ“¦ Provides:

  • Colorful console logging πŸ†‘
  • Easy-to-remember aliases for many standard commands with optimal predefined params values
  • Up to 70% economy of your keyboard input time βŒ›
  • Collect, gather and show basic system stats for fast incidents investigation πŸ”
  • Create file /etc/banner with $(hostname -s) as context within figlet

How to setup this useful .bashrc configs into your OS?

Installation is so easy so even koala 🐨 can do it. Read below! πŸ‘‡


1. Download

$ APP_USER="tbaltrushaitis" \
&& APP_NAME="bash-files" \
&& git clone${APP_USER}/${APP_NAME}.git \
&& cd ${APP_NAME} ;

2. Setup for current user and root

$ make
Output of make command

3. That's all. Enjoy!

User login and then become root

Aliases explained

bfh - Help topic
Special commands help topic
ii - Show basic hardware and networking information about the host
Show basic information about the host
zz - Become root
Become root
qq - Logout from current session
Logout from current session
h - Show commands history
Commands history
visits - List of top ip-addresses extracted from given log file

Special tools aliases

+ Input Execute Description
- visits f(<LOG_FILE>, [COUNT=10]) Show top COUNT IPs extracted from LOG_FILE
- delempty find . -type f -size 0 -exec rm -v {} ; Find all empty files and delete them
- scs screen -ls Show list of active screens
- scx screen -x Attach to the screen which name is provided as parameter
- scr screen -S "sockname" Create new screen session with name provided as parameter, e.g. <pid>.sockname
- psnode ps ax | grep node Show node.js processes
- psport ps -x | grep "${PORT}" | awk '{print $1}' Show PID of process listeing on PORT
- zz sudo -i Become root
- qq exit Exit current session
- iip f() Show IP adress on ethernet/wi-fi
- conns f() Output list of ESTABLISHED network connections
- stripcomments sed -r "/^(#|$)/d" -i <FILE> Remove commented (starts with #) and blank lines from FILE
- nocomment grep -Ev "^(#|$)" <FILE> Show FILE contents without commented (starts with #) and blank lines
- cr2lf sed -i 's/\r$//' <FILE> Convert Windows (CRLF) to Unix (LF) in <FILE>
- unspace f(<FILE>) Replace spaces with dashes in FILE's name
- pwg pwgen -s1 32 Generates strong 32-byte password
- mkd f(<DIR_NAME>) Create a new directory DIR_NAME and enter it
- count find . -type f | wc -l Recursively count files in the current directory
- npmi npmi() Install dependencies (if any provided) or from package.json file otherwise

Full command-line aliases list

+ Input Execute Description
- med mcedit -a Run Midnight Commander's editor
- .. cd .. Go up 1 level
- c clear Clear terminal window
- screenls screen -ls Show list of active screens
- k9 kill -9 Send -HUP signal to process
- npmr npm run -
- npms npm start -
- npmt npm run test -
- npmb npm run build -
- npmo npm outdated -
- alert notify-send --urgency -
- chgrp chgrp --preserve-root -
- chmod chmod --preserve-root -
- chown chown --preserve-root -
- cp cp -prb -
- cpuinfo lscpu -
- curli curl -I -
- debug set -o nounset; set -o xtrace -
- df df -kTH -
- dir dir --color -
- du du -kh -
- egrep egrep --color -
- fastping ping -c 100 -s.2 -
- fgrep fgrep --color -
- grep grep --color -
- h history Show commands history
- headerc curl -I --compress -
- httpdtest sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl -t && /usr/sbin/apachectl -S -
- httpdreload sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl -k graceful -
- httpdrestart sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart -
- ipt sudo /sbin/iptables -n -v --line-numbers -L -
- iptlist ipt -
- iptlistfw ipt FORWARD -
- iptlistin ipt INPUT -
- iptlistout ipt OUTPUT -
- firewall iptlist -
- j jobs -l -
- l ls -CF -
- la ll -A -
- lc ls -ltcr -
- libpath echo -e ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH//:/\n} -
- lk ls -lSr -
- ll ls -lvF -
- ln ln -i -
- lr ll -R -
- ls ls --color -
- lt ls -ltr -
- lu ls -ltur -
- lx ls -lXB -
- meminfo free -m -l -t -
- mkdir mkdir -p -
- most du -shx * | grep -w "[0-9]*G" -
- mount mount | column -t -
- partusage df -hlT --exclude-type -
- path echo -e ${PATH//:/\n} -
- ports netstat -tulanp -
- pscpu ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3 -
- pscpu10 ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10 -
- psmem ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 -
- psmem10 ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10 -
- rights f() Set 775 on dirs, 664 on files and a+x on *.sh scripts
- rm rm -i --preserve-root -
- sha1 openssl sha1 -
- totalusage df -hl --total | grep total -
- usage du -h --max-depth -
- which type -a -

Snippet that create structure for the table above

## markdown of the above table prepared with this snippet:
$  echo "| + | Input | Execute | Description |" \
&& echo "|:-:|:-----:|:--------|:------------|" \
&& alias | cut -b7- | awk -F"=" '{print "| " $1 " | " $2 " |"}'


See the Changelog file for details

Note: We're ready to get help in creation of tomorrow web ... maybe its you just come there as a new contributor?

πŸ”— More Info

πŸ“† Developed on 20th of November 2016



#️⃣ Useful .bashrc configs that makes work in Linux terminal more informative, fun and faster




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