This is my solution for the push_swap project of 42 school.
- handeling inputs that look like
"2 1 3 4 5"
or2 1 3 4 5
or2 1 "3 4 5"
- detecting a non-numeric, greater or smaller than integer or double number input
- sorting 3 random integers in 1 or 2 actions
- sorting 5 random integers in 5 to 10 actions
- sorintg 100 random integers with an average of ca. 757 actions
- sorting 500 random integers with an average of ca. 7248 actions
(both average amount of actions where the average of 1000 random tests)
- sorting 6-45 random integers with a 100% success rate
(with 45 random integers the success-rate is 99.9% when testing 1000 different cases)
For 100 Numbers i split my stack into 4 parts.
- Step 1: Find the corresponding borders to split my stack into 4 parts, equal in size.
- Step 2: push the first quarter to stack B
- Step 3: search for the biggest and the smallest number in stack B
- Step 4: rotate the biggest number to the top of stack B and push it to stack A
- Step 5: rotate the smallest number to the top of stack B, push it to stack A and rotate it to the bottom
- Step 6: repeat steps 4 and 5 until stack B is empty
- Step 7: rotate all my sorted numbers from the top of stack A to the bottom of stack A
- Step 8: repeat steps 2 to 7 for the remaining quarters
- Step 9: have your numbers sorted by ascending order in stack A, with the smallest number on top of your Stack
This works very similar to the 100 number sort, but instead of splitting my stack into quarters i split it into eighths.
This will compile my code into an executable called push_swap
and delete all unnecesarry files that were created during compilation.
make call
To use the visualizer i used in the example below.
This visualizer is not mine, you can find it here.
python3 `ruby -e "puts (1..50).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')"`