This library provides a comprehensive API for building pipelines in Java. Pipelines allow you to process data in a modular and efficient way, chaining different processing steps into a single flow. The API supports both linear and branched pipelines, with features for:
- Connecting steps: Combine different operations into a single pipeline.
- Data transformation: Apply functions to modify the data at each step.
- Data filtering: Remove unwanted elements from the pipeline.
- Pipeline branching: Execute different sub-pipelines in parallel.
- Asynchronous processing: Improve performance by executing pipelines asynchronously.
Pipeline<String, Integer> pipeline = Pipes.mapping(String::length);
int result = pipeline.execute("Hello World!");
System.out.println(result); // 13
var pipeline = Pipeline.<String>builder()
.filter(s -> s.length() < 6)
.map(s -> "Hello " + s)
pipeline.execute("World"); // Hello World
pipeline.executeBatch(List.of("World", "Java", "Pipeline")); // [Hello World, Hello Java]
// Equivalent: pipeline1 = (obj) -> "Hello World"
Pipeline<String, String> pipeline1 ="Hello World");
// Equivalent: pipeline2 = (str) -> str.length()
Pipeline<String, Integer> pipeline2 = Pipes.mapping(String::length);
Optional<Integer> strLength = pipeline1.connect(pipeline2).execute();
BranchedPipeline<String, String> pipeline = Pipeline.<String>builder()
branch1 ->
branch2 ->
.join((s1, s2) -> s1 + ", " + s2)
System.out.println(pipeline.execute()); // INPUT, input
CompletableFuture<Integer> future = Pipes.mapping(String::length).executeAsync("Hello World!");
int result = future.get();
System.out.println(result); // 13