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tdamsma committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent 80d8ccb commit db66267
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Showing 7 changed files with 89 additions and 89 deletions.
60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions messages/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
"$schema": "",
"home_insightCourageSkill": "Insight, courage and skills",
"home_forSocialImpact": "for social impact",
"home_learningDesire": "The desire to learn. We see it in so many professionals. And we know how much organizations want to make room for it. Together with them, we design training and coaching programs.",
"home_weAreForProfessionals": "We are there for professionals who believe that society can be more sustainable and fairer and who are eager to further discover their voice. Those who have an idea of how things can be different and want to know how they can realize it within their organization. Those who sometimes still doubt themselves and notice that organizations are complex. But who want to quickly acquire new skills. On the one hand to grow themselves, on the other hand because they know they can make a tangible contribution to the organization and society if they really dare to stand up for something.",
"home_highlighted": "Highlighted",
"home_talentDevelopmentProgram": "Talent development program",
"home_inzichtDurfVaardigheid": "Insight, courage and skills",
"home_voorMaatschappelijkeImpact": "for social impact",
"home_leerDrang": "The desire to learn. We see it in so many professionals. And we know how much organizations want to make room for it. Together with them, we design training and coaching programs.",
"home_wijZijnErVoorProfessionals": "We are there for professionals who believe that society can be more sustainable and fairer and who are eager to further discover their voice. Those who have an idea of how things can be different and want to know how they can realize it within their organization. Those who sometimes still doubt themselves and notice that organizations are complex. But who want to quickly acquire new skills. On the one hand to grow themselves, on the other hand because they know they can make a tangible contribution to the organization and society if they really dare to stand up for something.",
"home_uitgelicht": "Highlighted",
"home_talentOntwikkelProgramma": "Talent development program",
"home_reviews": "Reviews",
"home_latestBlog": "Latest blog",
"home_trainingCoachingAdvice": "Training coaching and advice",
"home_takeYourTalentSeriously": "Take your talent and social ambition seriously.",
"home_yepTrainingAgency": "Yep is the training agency for driven professionals.",
"home_social": "Social",
"home_yourImpactIsOurGoal": "Your impact is our goal.",
"home_active": "Active",
"home_learnByExperimenting": "Learn by experimenting.",
"home_flexible": "Flexible",
"home_yourDevelopmentQuestionIsCentral": "Your development question is central.",
"home_findTrainingExamples": "Examples of our training and case studies can be found here.",
"home_lookingForCoaching": "Looking for coaching for yourself or your employees? Read more here>>.",
"home_checkOurOffer": "Check our offer",
"home_trainings": "Trainings",
"home_readMore": "Read more",
"home_laatsteBlog": "Latest blog",
"home_trainingCoachingAdvies": "Training coaching and advice",
"home_neemJeTalentSerieus": "Take your talent and social ambition seriously.",
"home_yepTrainingsBureau": "Yep is the training agency for driven professionals.",
"home_maatschappelijk": "Social",
"home_jouwImpactIsOnsDoel": "Your impact is our goal.",
"home_actief": "Active",
"home_lerenDoorTeExperimenteren": "Learn by experimenting.",
"home_flexibel": "Flexible",
"home_jouwOntwikkelVraagStaatCentraal": "Your development question is central.",
"home_voorbeeldenVanOnzeTrainingen": "Examples of our training and case studies can be found here.",
"home_opZoekNaarCoaching": "Looking for coaching for yourself or your employees? Read more here>>.",
"home_bekijkOnsAanbod": "Check our offer",
"home_trainingen": "Trainings",
"home_leesMeer": "Read more",
"home_coaching": "Coaching",
"home_home": "Home",
"home_team": "Team",
"home_ourApproach": "Our approach",
"home_onzeAanpak": "Our approach",
"home_blog": "Blog",
"header_ons_team": "Our team",
"header_onsTeam": "Our team",
"header_trainingen": "Trainings",
"header_coaching": "Coaching",
"header_onze_aanpak": "Our approach",
"header_onzeAanpak": "Our approach",
"header_blog": "Blog",
"footer_home": "Home",
"footer_team": "Our team",
"footer_trainings": "Trainings",
"footer_trainingen": "Trainings",
"footer_coaching": "Coaching",
"footer_blog": "Blog",
"footer_tariffs": "Tariffs",
"footer_complaints": "Complaints",
"footer_tarieven": "Tariffs",
"footer_klachten": "Complaints",
"footer_contact": "Contact",
"footer_gegevens": "Details",
"footer_telefoon": "Telephone: +31-6-14477347",
"team_heading": "Our team",
"team_paragraph1": "Yep is a small, active training agency based in Amsterdam and Voorburg. We provide training in collaboration and personal effectiveness for ambitious professionals. The result of our training is always paramount. We strive for the personal development of these professionals to increase the effectiveness of organizations. We are only satisfied when that succeeds!",
"team_paragraaf1": "Yep is a small, active training agency based in Amsterdam and Voorburg. We provide training in collaboration and personal effectiveness for ambitious professionals. The result of our training is always paramount. We strive for the personal development of these professionals to increase the effectiveness of organizations. We are only satisfied when that succeeds!",
"training_titel": "Trainings",
"training_intro": "Yep provides customized training for driven professionals, focusing on enhancing your strength and effect. To get an idea of what we can offer, take a look below. You can see this page as our portfolio: a number of characteristic training courses we have previously provided. Want to know what we can do with your development goal? Then it's useful to get in touch!",
"training_tarieven_text": "Here are our",
"training_tarieven_link": "rates",
"training_tarievenText": "Here are our",
"training_tarievenLink": "rates",
"training_overzicht": "Trainings overview"
60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions messages/nl.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
"$schema": "",
"home_insightCourageSkill": "Inzicht, durf en vaardigheid",
"home_forSocialImpact": "voor maatschappelijke impact",
"home_learningDesire": "De drang om te leren. Wij zien het bij zoveel professionals. En we weten hoe graag organisaties daar ruimte voor willen maken. Samen met hen ontwerpen we trainings- en coachingstrajecten.",
"home_weAreForProfessionals": "Wij zijn er voor professionals die geloven dat de maatschappij duurzamer en eerlijker kan zijn en die staan te popelen om hun stem verder te ontdekken. Die een idee hebben over hoe het anders kan en willen weten hoe ze dat binnen hun organisatie waar kunnen maken. Die soms nog aan zichzelf twijfelen en merken dat organisaties complex zijn. Maar die zich razendsnel nieuwe vaardigheden eigen willen maken. Enerzijds om zelf te groeien, anderzijds omdat ze weten dat ze een tastbare bijdrage kunnen leveren aan de organisatie en de samenleving als ze echt ergens voor durven staan.",
"home_highlighted": "Uitgelicht",
"home_talentDevelopmentProgram": "Talentontwikkel programma",
"home_inzichtDurfVaardigheid": "Inzicht, durf en vaardigheid",
"home_voorMaatschappelijkeImpact": "voor maatschappelijke impact",
"home_leerDrang": "De drang om te leren. Wij zien het bij zoveel professionals. En we weten hoe graag organisaties daar ruimte voor willen maken. Samen met hen ontwerpen we trainings- en coachingstrajecten.",
"home_wijZijnErVoorProfessionals": "Wij zijn er voor professionals die geloven dat de maatschappij duurzamer en eerlijker kan zijn en die staan te popelen om hun stem verder te ontdekken. Die een idee hebben over hoe het anders kan en willen weten hoe ze dat binnen hun organisatie waar kunnen maken. Die soms nog aan zichzelf twijfelen en merken dat organisaties complex zijn. Maar die zich razendsnel nieuwe vaardigheden eigen willen maken. Enerzijds om zelf te groeien, anderzijds omdat ze weten dat ze een tastbare bijdrage kunnen leveren aan de organisatie en de samenleving als ze echt ergens voor durven staan.",
"home_uitgelicht": "Uitgelicht",
"home_talentOntwikkelProgramma": "Talentontwikkel programma",
"home_reviews": "Reviews",
"home_latestBlog": "Laatste blog",
"home_trainingCoachingAdvice": "Training coaching en advies",
"home_takeYourTalentSeriously": "Neem je talent en maatschappelijke ambitie serieus.",
"home_yepTrainingAgency": "Yep is hét trainingsbureau voor gedreven professionals.",
"home_social": "Maatschappelijk",
"home_yourImpactIsOurGoal": "Jouw impact is ons doel.",
"home_active": "Actief",
"home_learnByExperimenting": "Leren door te experimenteren.",
"home_flexible": "Flexibel",
"home_yourDevelopmentQuestionIsCentral": "Jouw ontwikkelvraag staat centraal.",
"home_findTrainingExamples": "Voorbeelden van onze trainingen en case studies vind je hier.",
"home_lookingForCoaching": "Op zoek naar coaching voor jezelf of je medewerkers? Lees hier verder>>.",
"home_checkOurOffer": "Bekijk ons aanbod",
"home_trainings": "Trainingen",
"home_readMore": "Lees meer",
"home_laatsteBlog": "Laatste blog",
"home_trainingCoachingAdvies": "Training coaching en advies",
"home_neemJeTalentSerieus": "Neem je talent en maatschappelijke ambitie serieus.",
"home_yepTrainingsBureau": "Yep is hét trainingsbureau voor gedreven professionals.",
"home_maatschappelijk": "Maatschappelijk",
"home_jouwImpactIsOnsDoel": "Jouw impact is ons doel.",
"home_actief": "Actief",
"home_lerenDoorTeExperimenteren": "Leren door te experimenteren.",
"home_flexibel": "Flexibel",
"home_jouwOntwikkelVraagStaatCentraal": "Jouw ontwikkelvraag staat centraal.",
"home_voorbeeldenVanOnzeTrainingen": "Voorbeelden van onze trainingen en case studies vind je hier.",
"home_opZoekNaarCoaching": "Op zoek naar coaching voor jezelf of je medewerkers? Lees hier verder>>.",
"home_bekijkOnsAanbod": "Bekijk ons aanbod",
"home_trainingen": "Trainingen",
"home_leesMeer": "Lees meer",
"home_coaching": "Coaching",
"home_home": "Home",
"home_team": "Ons team",
"home_ourApproach": "Onze aanpak",
"home_onzeAanpak": "Onze aanpak",
"home_blog": "Blog",
"header_ons_team": "Ons team",
"header_onsTeam": "Ons team",
"header_trainingen": "Trainingen",
"header_coaching": "Coaching",
"header_onze_aanpak": "Onze aanpak",
"header_onzeAanpak": "Onze aanpak",
"header_blog": "Blog",
"footer_home": "Home",
"footer_team": "Ons team",
"footer_trainings": "Trainingen",
"footer_trainingen": "Trainingen",
"footer_coaching": "Coaching",
"footer_blog": "Blog",
"footer_tariffs": "Tarieven",
"footer_complaints": "Klachten",
"footer_tarieven": "Tarieven",
"footer_klachten": "Klachten",
"footer_contact": "Contact",
"footer_gegevens": "Gegevens",
"footer_telefoon": "Telefoon: 06-14477347",
"team_heading": "Ons team",
"team_paragraph1": "Yep is een klein, actief trainingsbureau gevestigd in Amsterdam en Voorburg. Wij verzorgen trainingen op het gebied van samenwerken en persoonlijke effectiviteit voor ambitieuze professionals. Het resultaat van onze trainingen staat altijd voorop. Wij streven naar de persoonlijke ontwikkeling van deze professionals, om zo de effectiviteit van organisaties te vergroten. Pas als dat lukt zijn wij tevreden!",
"team_paragraaf1": "Yep is een klein, actief trainingsbureau gevestigd in Amsterdam en Voorburg. Wij verzorgen trainingen op het gebied van samenwerken en persoonlijke effectiviteit voor ambitieuze professionals. Het resultaat van onze trainingen staat altijd voorop. Wij streven naar de persoonlijke ontwikkeling van deze professionals, om zo de effectiviteit van organisaties te vergroten. Pas als dat lukt zijn wij tevreden!",
"training_titel": "Trainingen",
"training_intro": "Yep verzorgt maatwerk trainingen voor gedreven professionals, waarin het vergroten van je kracht en effect centraal staat. Om een idee te krijgen van wat wij zoal kunnen bieden, kun je hieronder een kijkje nemen. Deze pagina kun je zien als ons portfolio: een aantal kenmerkende trainingen die wij eerder verzorgd hebben. Wil je weten wat we met jouw ontwikkeldoel kunnen? Dan is het handig om even contact op te nemen!",
"training_tarieven_text": "Hier staan onze",
"training_tarieven_link": "tarieven",
"training_tarievenText": "Hier staan onze",
"training_tarievenLink": "tarieven",
"training_overzicht": "Trainingsoverzicht"
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/components/Footer.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
| >  #["/") {m.footer_home()}] #[br]
| >  #["/team") {m.footer_team()}] #[br]
| >  #["/trainingen") {m.footer_trainings()}] #[br]
| >  #["/trainingen") {m.footer_trainingen()}] #[br]
| >  #["/coaching") {m.footer_coaching()}] #[br]
| >  #["/blog") {m.footer_blog()}] #[br]
| >  #["/tarieven") {m.footer_tariffs()}] #[br]
| >  #["/klachten") {m.footer_complaints()}] #[br]
| >  #["/tarieven") {m.footer_tarieven()}] #[br]
| >  #["/klachten") {m.footer_klachten()}] #[br]
| >  #["/contact") {m.footer_contact()}] #[br]
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/components/Header.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
a.nav-link(href="/") Yep
a.nav-link(href="/team") {m.header_ons_team()}
a.nav-link(href="/team") {m.header_onsTeam()}
a.nav-link(href="/trainingen") {m.header_trainingen()}
a.nav-link(href="/coaching") {m.header_coaching()}
a.nav-link(href="/onze-aanpak") {m.header_onze_aanpak()}
a.nav-link(href="/onze-aanpak") {m.header_onzeAanpak()}
a.nav-link(href="/blog") {m.header_blog()}
Expand Down
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions src/routes/+page.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,32 +63,32 @@
alt="Training Image"
h2 {m.home_insightCourageSkill()}
h2 {m.home_inzichtDurfVaardigheid()}
span.yep-geel-donker {m.home_forSocialImpact()}
span.yep-geel-donker {m.home_voorMaatschappelijkeImpact()}

h2 {m.home_learningDesire()}
p {m.home_weAreForProfessionals()}
h2 {m.home_leerDrang()}
p {m.home_wijZijnErVoorProfessionals()}
h2 {m.home_highlighted()}
h2 {m.home_uitgelicht()}
a(href="/trainingen/talent-ontwikkelprogramma" class="d-block mt-2")
alt="Uitgelicht met burealamp"
| {m.home_talentDevelopmentProgram()} >>
| {m.home_talentOntwikkelProgramma()} >>
h2 {m.home_reviews()}
h2 {m.home_latestBlog()}
h2 {m.home_laatsteBlog()}
enhanced:img.square-img.thumbnail(src="{imageModules[`/content/blog/${blog.meta.img}`].default}" alt="{blog.alt}")
Expand All @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
h1.yep-geel-donker {m.home_trainingCoachingAdvice()}
h1 {m.home_takeYourTalentSeriously()}
h1.yep-geel-donker {m.home_trainingCoachingAdvies()}
h1 {m.home_neemJeTalentSerieus()}
.float-right(style="max-width: 500px; width: 100%")
Expand All @@ -114,38 +114,38 @@

.container.text-light.border-top.border-bottom {m.home_yepTrainingAgency()} {m.home_yepTrainingsBureau()}
enhanced:img.img-fluid(src="/static/images/wereldbol.png" alt="Maatschappelijk")
br {m.home_social()}
p {m.home_yourImpactIsOurGoal()} {m.home_maatschappelijk()}
p {m.home_jouwImpactIsOnsDoel()}
enhanced:img.img-fluid(src="/static/images/megafoon.png" alt="Actief")
br {m.home_active()}
p {m.home_learnByExperimenting()} {m.home_actief()}
p {m.home_lerenDoorTeExperimenteren()}
enhanced:img.img-fluid(src="/static/images/puzzle.png" alt="Flexibel")
br {m.home_flexible()}
p {m.home_yourDevelopmentQuestionIsCentral()} {m.home_lookingForCoaching()} {m.home_flexibel()}
p {m.home_jouwOntwikkelVraagStaatCentraal()} {m.home_opZoekNaarCoaching()}

h1 {m.home_checkOurOffer()}
h1 {m.home_bekijkOnsAanbod()}
h2.mb-3 {m.home_trainings()}
h2.mb-3 {m.home_trainingen()}
a(href="trainingen" class="d-block mt-2")
enhanced:img.img-fluid.lazyload(src="/static/images/trainings-overzicht.png" alt="Trainingen") {m.home_readMore()} >> {m.home_leesMeer()} >>
h2.mb-3 {m.home_coaching()}
a(href="coaching" class="d-block mt-2")
enhanced:img.img-fluid.lazyload(src="/static/images/omgaanmetstress.jpg" alt="Coaching") {m.home_readMore()} >> {m.home_leesMeer()} >>

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/routes/team/+page.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
| {m.team_paragraph1()}
| {m.team_paragraaf1()}

+each('members as member')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/routes/trainingen/+page.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
| {m.training_intro()}
| {m.training_tarieven_text()}"/tarieven") {m.training_tarieven_link()}
| {m.training_tarievenText()}"/tarieven") {m.training_tarievenLink()} {m.training_overzicht()}
+each('trainings as training')
Expand Down

0 comments on commit db66267

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