Shade Table Generator by Todi / Tulou.
Developed and distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
In a Unix-like environment simply make
the binary.
shadetabler -o <output directory> <additional options> <input files...>
Available options are:
-o, --output Output directory. (Required)
-v, --verbose Verbose output.
-f, --force Overwrite existing files, never prompt.
-c, --colors [2-256] Number of colors saved in the output file. (Default 256)
-s, --shades [2-256] Number of shades in shade table. (Default 64)
-t, --type [light|dark|both] Type of shade table(s) to genereate. (Default "light")
-h, --hq High quality quantization quality.
-p, --priority [0-...] Priority of input file colors over generated shaded. (Default 0)
-r, --reserve Reserve colors for black and white.
-l, --light Light shade table filename. (Default "shadetable_light.png")
-d, --dark Dark shade table filename. (Default "shadetable_dark.png")
shadetabler -v -r -c 256 -s 64 texture1.png -o ./shadetables
shadetabler texture1.png texture2.png texture3.png -o ./shadetables
shadetabler -f -c 64 -s 32 -r -hq texture1.png -d shadetable.png -o ./shadetables
Quantized image:
Light shade table:
Dark shade table:
For Mac with Homebrew:
brew tap tditlu/amiga
brew install tditlu/amiga/shadetabler
ShadeTabler uses the following libraries: