This is a test runner for NUnitLite, that redirects test results to Unity3D console.
Works under full AOT condition (IOS etc.).
After compilation of C# files Unity gives you two assemblies:
- Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll for 'Plugins' and '[Pro] Standard Assets'
- Assembly-CSharp.dll for other scripts
Then, if you want to have tests in both places - you should call UnityTestRunner.RunTests() from both places. One call per assembly is enough, but you can call it as many times as you want - all calls after first are ignored.
All of the above is correct for UnityScript (*.js) scripts too.
You can use 'MonoBahavior' classes for tests, but Unity gives you one harmless warning per class. Using special Test classes would be a better idea.
Copyright (C) 2013 by Andrew Zhilin