Game based on the King Arthur movie, with progress, limited lives, storytelling and user decisions.
We host the game on Netlify, in link: game.
- Add Gulp;
- Progress bar with legend;
- Minify images, audios (and cut), css, and js, concatenate their and others on
; - Life bar;
- Do loading cutscene;
- Set audio in all game;
- Delete unused files;
- Timer seconds;
- Character with sprite;
- Counter time each phase speak with group;
- Button (and with animation);
- Shadow click animation (triangle, square, buttons and more);
- Home, win and lose windows;
- Each phase (with cutscene and audio);
- Audio speed is 1.3 times;
- Create ideas for talk in our meeting;
- Do manual in HTML for help users, set audios, create subjects;
- Images, effects, sprites, songs, fonts and more;
- First phase: 15 seconds;
- Second phase: 8 seconds;
- Third phase: 5 seconds;
- Fourth phase: 12 seconds;
- Last challenge with click in correct moment for not use zoom;
- Receive cutscenes' audios by Ricce (four audios);
- Separate storytelling from first cutscene (compress and more).