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Thijs Boom edited this page Oct 31, 2020 · 1 revision

This datapack works through a couple of functions. For the actual 'code' for these functions, check the source code!



  1. Teleports player to corresponding location in the Nether, the coordinates are divided by 8, this does Minecraft by itself
  2. Resets the tpnether scoreboard
  3. Re-enables the tpnether scoreboard


  1. Teleports player to corresponding location in the Overworld, the coordinates are multiplied by 8, this does Minecraft by itself
  2. Resets the tpoverworld scoreboard
  3. Re-enables the tpoverworld scoreboard


  1. Checks if the tpnether scoreboard gets score 1, if so then runs function tpnether
  2. Checks if the tpoverworld scoreboard gets score 1, if so then runs function tpoverworld
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