Exclusive logging for nodejs, expressjs, sailsjs, restify, meanjs and many other nodejs based applications.
elogger is an exclusive logging middleware framework for different kind of nodejs application, which can be used either as an middleware or simple module. It reuses power & flexibility of morgan (https://www.npmjs.com/package/morgan) for HTTP logging. Find different examples below.Installing elogger is very simple and one step process. You just need to go inside you nodejs application and run following command.
$ npm install elogger
const loggingtype = 'combined';
const express = require('express'),
elogger = require('elogger');
Supported logging types: As elogger uses morgan as it's backbone so all logging type supported by "morgan" is supported here as well by default.
- null
- combined
- common
- tiny
Besides those it supports custom formatted string of pre-defined tokens. e.g.
- :method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms
elogger provides few abstract methods for different logging levels to make logging easier and color coded in the terminal as mentioned below:
const logger = require('elogger');
logger.debug('My First Debug Test');
logger.info('My Second Info Test');
logger.warn('My Third Warn Test');
logger.error('My Fourth Error Test');
logger.trace('My Fifth Trace Test');
For more detailed documentation you may refer to official documentation of morgan.