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What is FluxusBros?
FluxusBros is a Visuals Mixing Script for Fluxus software. Fluxus is a 3D scheme
environement for realtime animation from mutiple inputs like midi, osc and sound.

Fluxus for Osx :

The FluxusBros script mix different Fluxus visual scripts with user triggers.
The visuals scripts contains abstracted controls, and the FluxusBros script
re-attributes the abstracted controls to actual controls depending on the
player control configurations.
The FluxusBros system allows to map visuals to different areas. (wip)

How to Launch?
FluxusBros-Start will launch JackServer, then Fluxus with FluxusBros loaded.

Folder Organisation
config     : Players Configs
visuals    : all visuals scripts.
controls   : control mappings.
utils      : tools files.


Rules to devellop new scripts inside:

All the visuals scripts must in /visuals folder.
The script's file name must have the same name of the main function script.
The main function script must have two parameters : id and crossfader
The id parameter is an identifier for each running script.
It contains the visual object of the running instance.
To get a string identifier for several reasons, you can use (send id Get-Name)
to obtain the string attached identifier.
It is made by :
It match :
like "901-001-valley".
For example, this id is used in "c" function to find the appropriate control
(see Controls section)

A function can be created for the launch of the visual to initialise objects
and usefull variables. This function is automatically launched and must be name
like the visual script followed by "-build" and id parameter.

A function can be created for the end of the visual,
to destroy build objects or reinitialize variables. This function has to be
named as "name_of_the_script-destroy" and followed by the id parameter.
This function is also automatically called by the manager script.

Taking in example, the "test" visual.
The file have to be named "test.scm"

To insert a cube primitive with (build-cube) and retain its value,
you must create:
(define test-primitives (make-hash))
(define (test-build id)
    (hash-set! test-primitives id (build-cube))
To destroy the (build-cube) when the visual is stopped, use the function
(define (test-destroy id)
and place a (destroy (hash-ref test-primitives id)) function inside.

Also, the looping function will be defined like this
(define (test id cross)
Note the cross parameter must be add, but is not implemented yet.

FluxusBros can deal with several users with several controllers.
Each user is called Player and have there separate config files.
The config.json in root folder allow to add nex players and define
associated config files.
See the next parts to see how to deal with them.

The triggers are the midi, osc or keyboard events which can
launch, kill, choose visuals and other few actions.
It is the managing system of the visuals.
These data are stored in json files.

* config.json
It's the default file to de/activate basic options and players options of FluxuxBros.

 - basic options
  "audio" : set the parameters for fluxus audio input with jack.
  "gain" : set the audio input level
  "smoothing-bias" : set the reactivity to audio levels (between 0 and 1, 0 as hyper-reactive)
 - "loadPlayers"
  In this subtree, you can activate or deactivate players loading with the boolean option.
 - "players"
  Here is defined the options for each players
  midi-connection :
    fluxus will try to connect to the defined midi in/out port. Fluxus can actually deal with only one midi in & out port.
    To connect several midi port with Fluxus, use Jack connect panel.
    The midi port names must be named with Fluxus names. Type (midi-info) in Fluxus to get them.
    "MidiInputPort" : specify the midi input port
    "MidiOuputPort" : specify the midi output port (wip)
  "defaultDirectory" :
    specify the folder to search for triggers json files
  loadTriggers :
    load several json files with triggers configs.
    the boolean option is to make them active or not.
  Example of basic config.json
    "audio": ["system:capture_1", 1024, 44100],
    "gain": 2,
    "smoothing-bias": 0.6,
    "loadPlayers": {
        "Akai": true, 
        "OtherPlayer": false
    "players": {
        "Akai": {
            "MidiInputPort": {
                "Akai APC20:0": true
            "defaultDirectory": "config/",
            "loadTriggers": {
                "Akai-Triggers-LiveNoisy": true
        "OtherPlayer" : {
            "defaultDirectory": "config/",
            "loadTriggers": {
                "TriggerFile": true
* trigger files
  Trigger files are also in json.
  Each trigger must be set as this :
  "trigger-name": {
    "player": "name-of-player-who-attached-to",
    "type": "type-of-controller",
    "address": "address-to-track-on-controller",
    "On": "function-to-launch-on-activation",
    "Off": "function-to-launch-on-deactivation"
  The "type" field can be one of these supported controllers :
    - "midi-ccn"
    - "midi-note"
    - "kb" (for basic keyboard keys)
    - "kbs" (for special keyboard keys)
    - "osc" (for OpenSoundControl protocol)
    The address of controls:
    midi address : (vector midi-channel number-of-the-control)
    keyboard normal keys : character of the key
    keyboard special keys : special number of the key
    To get keyboard keys encoding, launch the script "utils/Keyboard-keys-encoding.scm" with Fluxus or
    see (help keys-special-down) and (help keys-special-pressed) in Fluxus
  The "Off" and "On" fields are optionnal, but one of them should by specify to be useful.
  The available commands are :
    setFocus-on-player \"other-player\"   (used by one player to get control on visual of another player)
    visualStart 411 0                     (launch visual on layer 411, with sublayer and controls default values 0)
    visualStart 411 0 \"specify-visual\"  (launch  "specify-visual" on layer 411, with controls default values 0)
    visualStop 411 0                      (stop visual on layer 411, with controls default values 0)
    setVisual \"specify-visual\"          (set "specify-visual" on the focused layer)
  A layer contains 4 sublayers. Each automatically loading the corresponding default values.
  When you change the visual (with the "setVisual" command) of a sublayer, all sublayers will change as well.
  This is useful when you want to play with several (recorded) aspects of the same visual.
  A player can control (for now) only one layer (and sublayer) at a time.
  To change of control ("focus") the wait command will affect the focus on the next launched visual.

The control part is to act on the parameters inside of a visual.
In the visual script, the function to use is "c", like control.
The basic way to use this is :
(c "name-of-the-control-in-a-string" id)
and the manager script will search in the config files to
which midi,osc or keyboard control is linked to.
To configure these links, the files are in the "controls" folder.

Each visual must have a json config file for each players.
The files must be named like this :


The json inside is defined like this :


    The types of supported controllers are the same used for Triggers.
        - "fake" (for uncontrollable control)
        - "midi-ccn"
        - "midi-note"
        - "kb" (for basic keyboard keys)
        - "kbs" (for special keyboard keys)
        - "osc" (for OpenSoundControl protocol)
    The address of controls:
    midi address : (vector midi-channel number-of-the-control)
    keyboard normal keys : character of the key
    keyboard special keys : special number of the key
    To get keyboard keys encoding, launch the script "utils/Keyboard-keys-encoding.scm" with Fluxus or
    see (help keys-special-down) and (help keys-special-pressed) in Fluxus