Exploring Song Lyrics with Auto-Recurrence Analysis
This project contains a written walkthrough exploring patterns in song lyrics through the lens of Auto-Recurrence Quantification Analysis (aRQA). A webpage describing the methods and insights from this project can be found at: http://tehrandav.is/a_to_z_project/auto_recurrence.html
This project was written in Julia 1.9.0. The following packages are required to run the code:
using CSV, # For reading CSV files
DataFrames, # For working with dataframes
Random, # For generating random numbers
PrettyTables, # For printing tables
TextAnalysis, # For text preprocessing
Statistics, # For statistical analysis
PyPlot, # For plotting
Tidier, # For data wrangling
StatsBase # For statistical functions
DynamicalSystems # For calculating recurrence quantification analysis
├─ README.md
├─ data
│ ├─ lyrics_series.csv (lyrics series for 1 song)
│ └─ playlist_lyrics.csv (sample dataset)
├─ notebooks
│ └─ auto_recurrence.ipynb (notebook walkthrough)
└─ src (Julia environment files)
├─ .DS_Store
├─ Manifest.toml
├─ Project.toml
└─ auto_rqa.jl
: A Jupyter Notebook containing code for analyzing the song lyrics data. -
: A CSV file containing song lyrics for a selection of songs. The lyrics were obtained from this dataset on Kaggle.
Project Overview:
- Auto-Recurrence Quantification Analysis (aRQA) is a data analysis technique used to uncover patterns and structures in time series data. In this project, we apply aRQA to song lyrics to reveal and quantify rhythmic and thematic elements.
- Tehran Davis, 2023, tehrandav.is
- This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.