This is a small sample project for introducing web test automation using Python, Robot Framework and QWeb library. The project is an example of
- good test automation project structure
- division of test code into test suites and resource files
- usage of existing keyword library (QWeb)
- creation of own keywords in a resource file
- keyword documentation created with Libtoc
tests - robot test files
resources - resource files
docs - documentation
The test app is a simple TodoMVC application, written in Kotlin and React by TasteJS.
- Python
- Robot Framework
- QWeb library
- ChromeDriver
- Robocop - for static code analysis
- Libtoc - for keyword documentation
Run tests headless, from root folder:
robot -v browser_options:"-headless" tests/test_todo_app.robot
Run tests with Chrome, from root folder:
robot tests/test_todo_app.robot
Create documentation for own keywords:
libtoc --output_dir docs resources