A QuickStart project for Boostim.
Boostim is a set of solutions for instant messaging.
This project encapsulates related components into containers and implements one-click deployment.
- BoostimAuth: 9500
- BoostimAuthMySQL: 9501
- BoostimCenter: 9510
- BoostimNode: 9511
- BoostimDataMySQL: 9600
chmod u+x ./pull3rdContainers.sh
chmod u+x ./cloneRepositories.sh
docker-compose up
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
docker-compose down --rmi 'all'
- BoostimCenter: center node (controller)
- BoostimNode: common node (worker)
- BoostimAuth: authentication system
- BoostimWebClient: easy-integration web client