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Implementation of (Rapidly Explording Random Graphs )RRG in cpp

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Rapidly Explording Random Graphs with cpp


  • Understanding of the Problem: The problem is related to a setting where given we have info about obstalces of the environment, we wish to explore the entrie environemnt. This problem can be particularly useful when in a big 2D space we wish to look for artifacts in all the space.
  • A good exploration algorithm will visit almost all places while ensuring that the time(or distance) required to complete the exploration is minimized.
  • Rapidly Explording Random Graphs(RRG), an algorithm which derives RRT*
  • The method doesnt require us to store a 2D map of any resolution.
  • RRG pseudo code
let the initial pose be x_init
V: list of vertices
E: list of edges
i = 0

while i < N:
    G(V, E)
    x_rand = RandomPosition()
    i = i + 1 

    x_nearest = Nearest(G, x_rand)
    x_new = Steer(x_nearest, x_rand)
    if ObstacleFree(x_nearest, x_new):
        V add x_new
        E add (x_nearest, x_new) and (x_new, x_nearest)
        x_neigbours = findNeighbors(G, x_new, neighbour_radius)

        for x in x_neigbours:
            if ObstacleFree(x_new, x):
                E add (x_new, x) and (x, x_new)
  • A variation of TSP problem is solved on graph formed with RRG to ensure that all the vertices in the graph are visited atleast once while ensuring that the travel ditance is minimized
  • The TSP is solved using heuristic based algorithm to get a near optimal solution so that the solving takes less time

File Arragement

  • The repositories has directories for header files in include, source files inside src and compilation in build directory.
  • include :
    • custom_graph.h : declares structures like vertex, edge, graph
    • geometry.h : declares functions to calculate euclidean and manhattan distances, collision checking between line segment and circular obstacle, etc
    • matplotlibcpp.h : avaiable open source wrapper for python-matplotlib
    • tspnn.h : declares functions for solving TSP, Djkistra, adjacency matrix
    • rrg.h : declares helper functions for RRG
  • src :
    • test_graph.cpp : testing file to ensure working of data structures inside custom_graph
    • test_geom.cpp : testing file to ensure all function of geometry are working
    • test_tsp.cpp : testing file to ensure all function inside tspnn are working
    • test_rrg.cpp : contains actual code for the algorithm, and hence the assigment


Move inside build directly to see compiled source files: test_geom, test_graph, test_tsp, tesp_rrg

To run the RRG algorithm, do ./test_rrg

To generate new compiled files for the sources files, do:

  1. Move inside build directly
  2. run cmake ..
  3. run make



Implementation of (Rapidly Explording Random Graphs )RRG in cpp







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