- language: Python (3.6)
- System: Windows
- Project: Lehndorff
- Author: Lou Klappenbach
The aim was to find an easy way of converting pdf files to jpgs without losing quality. The pages of the pdfs were meant to be displayed on the projects website, therefore they needed to be transformed to jpg.
- Download and install Imagemagick
- install https://www.ghostscript.com/releases/gsdnld.html
- pull script pdf2jpg.py and save it to a local folder
- open pdf2jpg.py in PyCharm (or other suitable programm)
- follow the steps described in the comments of the script
- press play
- Information on keeping hiqh resolution: stackoverflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32466112/imagemagick-convert-pdf-to-jpeg-failedtoexecutecommand-gswin32c-exe-pdfdel