A SnapRAID duplicate file utility to help remove duplicate files identified by SnapRAID.
SnapDup is designed to read the log file generated by command: 'snapraid dup -l dup.txt' And once the dup log file is read the user can select between the two duplicate duplicate files for deletion. SnapDup will prevent both duplicate files from being checked. After all the files are checked for deletion, click "Generate Script" to create either Windows or Linix command script. This script can be copied to a text editor or saved as a shell script for execution.
Commands: ctrl-a, To select all
SnapDup requires the lastest release of java 1.8 (or OpenJDK) with javaFX which is included with a java Windows install. Linux; however, may not include javaFX and will need to be installed manaually. If SnapDup doesn't run Linux and you get an error: can't find or load main.SnapDup - then javaFX is not installed.
java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_144"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.5.1) (suse-10.13.3-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)
Create a .cmd file with the following commands:
@echo off
set JAVA_HOME=D:\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\jre
java -jar snapdup.jar
- Update JAVA_HOME to match your enviroment.
java -jar snapdup.jar
If your Linux installation of OpenJDK does not include javaFX you can download from:
To install 'openjfx-8-sdk-overlay-linux-amd64.zip' use script (tested on OpenSUSE):
sudo 7z x -o$JDK_HOME openjfx-8-sdk-overlay-linux-amd64.zip jre
* Update JDK_HOME to match your enviroment.
* This script requires 7zip to be installed.
SnapDup was built with Eclipse.