This is the TensorLy theme for Sphinx documentations, based on Bulma.
After cloning this repository, simply run:
pip install -e .
To use the theme in your project, add the following to the file of your sphinx documentation:
html_theme = "tensorly_sphinx_theme"
The logo of your project will be used in the navigation bar. You can specify the path to it in your
html_logo = '_static/image.png'
You can set most of the parameters in your sphinx configuration file (
The options are:
- 'google_analytics' : str, your Google analytics ID, if any.
- 'nav_links' : tuple list, a list of ('Link display name', 'local.file'), contains the links to the local documentation, in the top navigation bar. If the link starts with 'http', it will be considered as an external link.
- 'nav_dropdowns' : same as above but contains multiple links in a dropdown.
html_theme_options = {
'google_analytics' : 'YOUR_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID',
'nav_links' : [('Install', 'installation'),
('User Guide', 'user_guide/index'),
('TensorLy', ''),
('TensorLy-Torch', '')],
'nav_dropdowns': [('LinksInDropdown', [('TensorLy', ''),
('TensorLy-Viz', ''),
('TensorLy-Quantum', '')]
In your documentation itself, you can use :no-toc:
, :no-localtoc:
and :no-pagination:
to remove the side-menu's table of content (toc), local toc ("on this page")
and pagination buttons, respectively.
For instance, if you don't want file.rst
to have a toc, simply add in the file: