This plugin is at a usable stage now, but there are lot of rough edges. At the moment it is not really ready for publishing, rather a personal quick set up to comfortably work with org-mode files.
- Syntax highlighting
- headers
- links
- Markdown style code blocks
- Bold font
- Dates
- Tags
- ToDo
- Folding
- Headers promotion/demotion
- Headers hopping
- Some agenda functions
- ToDo state cycle
- standard folding hot-keys, <z-o>, <z-c>, <z-R> etc
- <C-j> create next header of the same level
- >> promote line
- << demote line
- == indent current line
- <leader> > promote branch
- <leader> < demote branch
- ]] next header
- [[ previous header
- <leader>t toggle ToDo
- <BS> jump to the parent header
- gl follow a link in this line