Releases: teo-tsirpanis/Sigourney
Version 0.4.2
Fixed building projects referencing Sigourney under certain build environments like BenchmarkDotNet.
Version 0.4.1
Fixed weavers not running in F# projects.
Version 0.4.0
Sigourney's build-time assets were moved to a new package, Sigourney.Build
, resulting in smaller download sizes and less dependencies.
Weavers will need to be updated to publicly reference Sigourney.Build instead, as seen in the test weavers.
Furthermore, legacy code that was supporting weavers targeting versions of Sigourney prior to 0.3.0 was removed.
Version 0.3.3
This release fixes some minor bugs, updates dependencies and adds a new API intented for some very limited scenarios.
It is not urged, but weavers will have to be updated and re-released to fully take advantage of this version's features.
Version 0.3.2
Update the debug symbols of weaved assemblies when they are found. This change allows them to be stepped in when debugged from an IDE.
Weavers will have to be updated and re-released to take advantage of this version's features.
Version 0.3.1
Fix a publish mode bug on projects that target multiple frameworks.
Updating and re-releasing weavers from 0.3.0 to this version is not needed.
Version 0.3.0
Expose the assembly references to MSBuild weaver tasks.
Deprecate the sentinel API in favor of a simpler incremental build system that always works.
Update dependencies, shrinking Sigourney package's size.
Fix some Unix-specific bugs.
Version 0.2.1
- Reword some log messages.
- Remove the sentinel files when the project gets cleaned.
Version 0.2.0
This release introduces a new API for writing MSBuild-integrated weavers. Take a look at the README to learn how to use it.
Version 0.1.1
- Fix the initialization of the MSBuildWeaver.Log2 field.
- Mark only MSBuildWeaver.AssemblyPath as required.