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Teragrep Key Value Mapping for Microsoft Azure EventHub


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Teragrep Key Value Mapping for Microsoft Azure EventHub (akv_01)

Allows to further process messages received from EventHub via plugins that can be defined for each of the resourceIds.


  • Allows the resourceIds present in the events' properties to be mapped to specific plugins.

  • Plugins can implement processing, which can refine the final syslog message, such as specifying a more applicable app name or hostname based on the event data.

  • Plugins are to be specified in a JSON-formatted configuration file, where each resourceId is mapped to a specific PluginFactory object. Each PluginFactory can also have its own configuration file.

  • In case a resourceId is unexpected, the default PluginFactory class can be used instead. In case any exception arises, the exception PluginFactory class should be used.


See the official documentation on


How to [compile/use/implement]

Compile using Maven

The project can be compiled using Maven. It is recommended to use Java 11.

$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk mvn clean package

Use in another project

The project can be added to another project as a dependency using Maven. Add the following into your project’s pom.xml file:

    <version>x.y.z</version> <!-- Replace with latest version -->

Basic usage

The PluginMap object expects JSON with the following type of structure:

  "defaultPluginFactoryClass": "com.teragrep.akv_01.plugin.PluginFactory",
  "exceptionPluginFactoryClass": "com.teragrep.akv_01.plugin.ExceptionPluginFactory",
  "resourceIds": [
      "resourceId": "123",
      "pluginFactoryClass": "com.teragrep.akv_01.plugin.PluginFactory123",
      "pluginFactoryConfig": "src/test/resources/123plugin.json"
      "resourceId": "456",
      "pluginFactoryClass": "com.teragrep.akv_01.plugin.PluginFactory456",
      "pluginFactoryConfig": ""

The defaultPluginFactoryClass is used in cases where the resourceId is not found in the configuration, and it is mandatory. The exceptionPluginFactoryClass is intended to be used if any exception occurs in the defaultPluginFactoryClass, and it is mandatory. The resourceIds array is also mandatory, and each item in the array must be a JsonObject with keys resourceId, pluginFactoryClass and pluginFactoryConfig. pluginFactoryClass is the full class name of any class implementing the PluginFactory interface. pluginFactoryConfig is the path to a JSON-formatted file, to be used by the specified pluginFactory. The pluginFactoryConfig JSON-formatted file does not have any specified schema, however it is recommended that the top-level structure is an array or object to be able to use the included JsonFile object.

The PluginMap can be initialized by using the included JsonFile object, and the default pluginFactory class name, exception pluginFactory class name and resourceId to config mapping can be retrieved:

final PluginMap pluginMap = new PluginMap(new JsonFile("/path/to/json").asJsonStructure());
final Map<String, PluginFactoryConfig> configs = pluginMap.asUnmodifiableMap();
final String defaultPluginFactoryClassName = pluginMap.defaultPluginFactoryClassName();
final String exceptionPluginFactoryClassName = pluginMap.exceptionPluginFactoryClassName();

The values retrieved from PluginMap can be used to initialize the PluginFactories:

String className = defaultPluginClassName;
String configPath = "";
if (configs.containsKey("<resourceId here>")) {
    className = configs.get("<resourceId here>").pluginFactoryClassName();
    configPath = configs.get("<resourceId here>").configPath();

final PluginFactoryInitialization pluginFactoryInit = new PluginFactoryInitialization(className);
final PluginFactory pluginFactory = pluginFactoryInit.pluginFactory();

With the initialized PluginFactory, the plugin can be created, and the JSON config path can be provided:

final Plugin plugin = pluginFactory.plugin(configPath);

With the created Plugin, events can be processed into refined SyslogMessages:

final SyslogMessage syslogMessage = plugin.syslogMessage(...);

The actual process inside the Plugin is dependent on the implementation.


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Teragrep Key Value Mapping for Microsoft Azure EventHub




AGPL-3.0, Unknown licenses found

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Contributors 3

