There is many maze solving algorithm out there: even very surprising ones, which i invite you to have a look at:
The Idea was no to beat best solving algorithm but to get familiar with QTable learning applying it to maze solving.
Mazes can be generated using
Simply select width and height, click generate and download maze as png.
- for now, only rectangular orthogonal mazes are supported. I plan to be able to solve any type of maze...
There is plenty of very good articles on the web explaining in details QTable learning, so i will only concentrate on the basics and implementation:
I loved this one which is easy to understand and cristal clear:
All is based on the Bellman's equation and Markov Decision Processes (MDP) giving the value of a state:
and derived from it the QValues (value of an action) update equation
# Training
initialize the QTable with reward values
repeat n times:
- select a random allowed position on the maze
- select a random possible direction (UP:DOWN:LEFT:RIGHT)
- get the reward for this direction from this position
- update the Qvalue for this direction from this position using above equation
# Playing
start from StartPosition
repeat until reaching the end:
- Find the direction correspondinng to the max Qvalue at CurrentPosition
- Move from CurrentPosition using direction found
- update CurrentPosittion
Code is composed of 2 files:
- to create the maze from the png and manage the display using pygame
- actually creating the Qtable, updating it through training, and playing the result.
Pygame: for visual rendering
Pillow for initial png transformations
Numpy: for calculation
Numba: for speeding up numpy calculation
If repeating enough times during the training phase, algorithm do the job.
I've been able to solve 20x20 maze within 5 seconds training.
To run the code
python --mazefilepath <PATH TO MAZE PNG>
But size of the maze is quickly limiting the algorithm.
I've not been able to solve a 50x50 maze within acceptable amount of time.