École 42 Piscine CPP - 2 week intensive study in CPP
- This is a piscine on CPP at École 42.
- A piscine is a 2-week intensive learning in a specific topic. There are new assignments every weekday and on the weekends there are group projects.
- day00 - basics
- day01 - basics
- day02 - basics, operator overload
- day03 - inheritance
- day04 - polymorphism
- rush00 - space shooting game
- day05 - nested classses, exceptions
- day06 - casts
- day07 - templates
- day08 - STL
- rush01 - system monitoring program
- We can only use CPP98 on this piscine.
- I put the subjects of each day in their directory.
- I passed all the days and rushes with the grade of 119/100 (the extra 19 points is the bonus).
- Most of the code can be compiled with this command.
clang -Wall -Wextra -Werror *.cpp
- I also have Makefile in some assignment.
- More information for the rush projects in their directory readme.