These are the exercise files used for Basic ROS 2 Navigation Course course.
The course outline can be found in
Topic 1 LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)
- Introduction to LiDAR
- Overview of Turtlebot3 Burger
- Turtlebot3 Burger Simulation on Gazebo and RViz
- Obstacle Avoidance Simulation
Topic 2 SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
- Introduction to SLAM
- Virtual Robot SLAM Simulation on Gazebo
- Introduction to Path Finding
- Virtual Robot Navigation on Gazebo
Topic 3 Physical Robot Navigation
- Setup Raspberry Pi and ROS 2 on Turtlebot3
- Remote Bring Up Turtlebot3 Burger
- Teleoperation of Turtlebot3 Burger
- Perform SLAM and Navigation on Turtlebot3 Burger