FabcCar app implementation of DAML ledger that stores data transactions using Hyperledger Fabric & Hyperledger Sawtooth.
These are the minimal requirements that this flow was tested with. It's good to use greater versions or sometimes even lower, but not advised.
- Ubuntu version 18.04
- Python version > 3.6
- Dazl version > 7.5
- Pipenv
- DAML SDK version > 0.13.40
repo: https://github.com/digital-asset/daml-on-fabric
Path for DAML FabCar SC: HLF_FabCar_SC_DAML/daml/FabCar.daml
$ cd HLF_FabCar_SC_DAML/Fabric/Python
$ pipenv run python3 InitLedger.py --url http://localhost:6865
$ pipenv run python3 ChangeOwner.py --url http://localhost:6865
$ pipenv run python3 CreateCar.py --url http://localhost:6865
$ pipenv run python3 QueryAllCars.py
$ pipenv run python3 QueryCarbyKey.py --key <int value>
Now you can explore your freshly setup DAML ledger.
You should have the following services running:
- DAML Navigator at http://localhost:7500/
- Hyperledger Fabric block explorer at http://localhost:8080/blocks
- Hyperledger Fabric block explorer at http://localhost:8080/transactions
- DAML Ledger API endpoint at localhost:6865
repo: https://github.com/blockchaintp/daml-on-sawtooth
Path for DAML FabCar SC: HLF_FabCar_SC_DAML/daml/FabCar.daml
$ cd HLF_FabCar_SC_DAML/Sawtooth/Python
$ pipenv run python3 InitLedger.py --url http://localhost:9000
$ pipenv run python3 ChangeOwner.py --url http://localhost:9000
$ pipenv run python3 CreateCar.py --url http://localhost:9000
$ pipenv run python3 QueryAllCars.py
$ pipenv run python3 QueryCarbyKey.py --key <int value>
Now you can explore your freshly setup DAML ledger.
You should have the following services running:
- DAML Navigator at http://localhost:4000/
- Hyperledger Fabric block explorer at http://localhost:80/
- DAML Ledger API endpoint at localhost:9000
FabcCar app implementation of DAML ledger that stores data transactions using Hyperledger Fabric & Hyperledger Sawtooth
repo: https://github.com/digital-asset/daml-on-fabric
Path for DAML FabCar SC: DAML-Relays/SMFabric/daml/FabCar.daml
$ cd /DAML-Relays/Fabric/Python
$ pipenv run python3 InitLedger.py --url http://localhost:6865
$ pipenv run python3 ChangeOwner.py --url http://localhost:6865
$ pipenv run python3 CreateCar.py --url http://localhost:6865
$ pipenv run python3 QueryAllCars.py
$ pipenv run python3 QueryCarbyKey.py --key <int value>
Now you can explore your freshly setup DAML ledger.
You should have the following services running:
- DAML Navigator at http://localhost:7500/
- Hyperledger Fabric block explorer at http://localhost:8080/blocks
- Hyperledger Fabric block explorer at http://localhost:8080/transactions
- DAML Ledger API endpoint at localhost:6865
repo: https://github.com/blockchaintp/daml-on-sawtooth
Path for DAML FabCar SC: DAML-Relays/SMSAwtooth/daml/FabCar.daml
$ cd /DAML-Relays/Sawtooth/Python
$ pipenv run python3 QueryAllCars.py
$ pipenv run python3 QueryCarbyKey.py --key <int value>
Now you can explore your freshly setup DAML ledger.
You should have the following services running:
- DAML Navigator at http://localhost:4000/
- Hyperledger Fabric block explorer at http://localhost:80/
- DAML Ledger API endpoint at localhost:9000
- Python version > 3.6
Python libralies:
- re
- json
- argparse
- os
- datetime
Convert a HLF node.js to DAML. The format of the chaincode should be based on the example
$ cd ../CovertJStoDaml
$ python3 ParseFabricSM.py --fabric marbles.js
Code is available under the GPL 3.0 license