A global pixel grabber engine.
Copyright 2021 Tesselo - Space Mosaic Lda. All rights reserved.
make install
# This will also install the runtime dependencies
make dev_install
make upgrade_dependencies
We are using https://pre-commit.com/ hooks, they are specified in the file .pre-commit-config.yaml
and installed when you run make dev_install
If the pre-commit configuration file is changed, remember to run make dev_install
or pre-commit install
To manually force run the pre-commit tasks, you can type:
make pre-commit
The Makefile
is a good resource to see how things are done.
Some of these targets include:
Includes the pre-commit hooks and running the tests with code coverage reports.
make check
Includes security checks and other code smells.
make check-advanced
Includes code complexity and documentation style checks.
make check-picky
In this repo there is a .vscode
folder with a launch.json
file that can be used to debug the code.
You need to install the docker plugin for VSCode:
code --install-extension ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
You will also need to have the file ${HOME}/.aws/env
with the following content:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your access key>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your secret key>
Then you can debug selecting the "Run Batch pixels" configuration.
It will prompt you for the pixels function and then allow you to paste the parameters.