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🚸 Improvements to histogram guide (#65)
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* Clarify `hist.args`

* populate `breaks` for histogram if we have a binned key

* default to binned key with binned scale

* move key extraction logic

* document

* add news bullet

* allow using density instead of counts
  • Loading branch information
teunbrand authored Mar 4, 2025
1 parent 83ee986 commit ff7ebec
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
* A better attempt to honour ggplot2's mechanism for `<AsIs>` variables (#45)
* Better alignment of `compose_stack(side.titles)` (#48)
* Fixed aesthetic standardisation in `override.aes` arguments (#60)
* Improvements to density and histogram gizmos (#62):
* The default key now depends on the scale type: continuous scales invoke
`key_sequence()` and binned scales invoke `key_bins()`.
* When using a binned key in `gizmo_histogram()`, the default `hist(breaks)`
argument is populated with the key's breaks.

# legendry 0.2.0

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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions R/gizmo-density.R
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#' aesthetic is `colour` or `fill`, the shape will reflect this.
#' @param key A [sequence key][key_sequence] or [binned key][key_bins]
#' specification.
#' specification. Internally defaults to a sequence key when the scale is
#' continuous and a binned key when the scale is binned.
#' @param density One of the following:
#' * `NULL` for using kernel density estimation on the data values (default).
#' * a `<numeric>` vector to feed to the `` function.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
#' # Alternatively, parameters may be passed through density.args
#' p + guides(colour = gizmo_density(density.args = list(adjust = 0.5)))
gizmo_density <- function(
key = "sequence",
key = waiver(),
density = NULL, density.args = list(), = stats::density,
just = 0.5, oob = "keep", alpha = NA,
# standard arguments
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ GizmoDensity <- ggproto(

extract_key = function(scale, aesthetic, key, ...) {
key <- key %|W|% if (inherits(scale, "ScaleBinned")) "bins" else "sequence"
key <- resolve_key(key %||% "sequence")
if (is.function(key)) {
key <- disallow_even_steps(key)
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45 changes: 31 additions & 14 deletions R/gizmo-histogram.R
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#' space, not original data space.
#' @param hist.args A `<list>` with additional arguments to the ``
#' argument. Only applies when `hist` is not provided as a `<list>` already.
#' Please note that these arguments are only used for binning and counting:
#' graphical arguments are ignored.
#' @param A `<function>` to use for computing histograms when the
#' `hist` argument is not provided as a list already.
#' @param just A `<numeric[1]>` between 0 and 1. Use 0 for bottom- or
#' left-aligned histograms, use 1 for top- or right-aligned histograms and 0.5
#' for centred histograms.
#' @param metric A `<character[1]>` either `"counts"` or `"density"` stating
#' which field of the `<histogram>` class to display. The `"density"` metric
#' might be more appropriate to display when the histogram breaks have
#' non-constant intervals.
#' @inheritParams gizmo_density
#' @details
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,23 +57,24 @@
#' # Alternatively, parameters may be passed through hist.args
#' p + guides(colour = gizmo_histogram(hist.arg = list(breaks = 10)))
gizmo_histogram <- function(
key = "sequence",
key = waiver(),
hist = NULL, hist.args = list(), = graphics::hist,
just = 1, oob = oob_keep, alpha = NA,
just = 1, oob = oob_keep, metric = "counts", alpha = NA,
# standard arguments
theme = NULL, position = waiver(), direction = NULL
) {
hist <- suppress_hist_plot(enquo(hist))
hist.args$plot <- hist.args$plot %||% FALSE

check_number_decimal(just, min = 0, max = 1, allow_infinite = FALSE)
check_argmatch(metric, c("counts", "density"))

key = key,
hist = hist,
hist_args = hist.args,
hist_fun =,
just = just, oob = oob, alpha = alpha,
just = just, oob = oob, metric = metric, alpha = alpha,
theme = theme, position = position, direction = direction,
name = "histogram",
super = GizmoHistogram
Expand All @@ -85,7 +92,8 @@ GizmoHistogram <- ggproto(

params = new_params(
hist = NULL, hist_args = list(), hist_fun = graphics::hist,
just = 0.5, nbin = 15, oob = oob_keep, alpha = NA, key = "sequence"
just = 0.5, nbin = 15, oob = oob_keep, metric = "counts",
alpha = NA, key = "sequence"

extract_decor = function(scale, hist, hist_args, hist_fun, ...) {
Expand All @@ -100,24 +108,33 @@ GizmoHistogram <- ggproto(

extract_params = function(scale, params, ...) {
params <- GizmoDensity$extract_params(scale, params, ...)
if (is.null(params$hist) && inherits(params$key, "key_bins")) {
breaks <- sort(union(params$key$min, params$key$max))
params$hist_args$breaks <- params$hist_args$breaks %||% breaks

get_layer_key = function(params, layers, data = NULL, ...) {
hist <- params$decor %||% params$hist
if (length(hist) == 0) {
values <- filter_finite(vec_c(!!!lapply(data, .subset2, params$aesthetic)))
hist <- inject(params$hist_fun(values, !!!params$hist_args))
check_histogram(hist, params$metric)
params$decor <- normalise_histogram(hist)
params$decor <- normalise_histogram(hist, params$metric)
params$limits <- range(params$limits, params$decor$x)

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

normalise_histogram <- function(hist) {
normalise_histogram <- function(hist, metric = "counts") {
x <- hist$breaks
y <- hist$counts
y <- hist[[metric]]

xlim <- range(filter_finite(x), na.rm = TRUE)
x <- oob_squish_infinite(x, xlim)
Expand All @@ -131,28 +148,28 @@ normalise_histogram <- function(hist) {

check_histogram <- function(x, arg = caller_arg(x), call = caller_env()) {
check_histogram <- function(x, metric = "counts", arg = caller_arg(x), call = caller_env()) {
if (is_missing(x)) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg {arg}} cannot be missing.", call = call)
if (inherits(x, "histogram")) {
# We'll trust this class
check_list_names(x, c("breaks", "counts"), arg = arg, call = call)
check_list_names(x, c("breaks", metric), arg = arg, call = call)

if (length(x$breaks) != (length(x$counts) + 1L)) {
if (length(x$breaks) != (length(x[[metric]]) + 1L)) {
"In the {.arg {arg}} argument, the {.field breaks} element should be ",
"exactly 1 longer than the {.field counts} element."
"exactly 1 longer than the {.field {metric}} element."
i = "{.code {arg}$breaks} has length {length(x$breaks)}.",
i = "{.code {arg}$counts} has length {length(x$counts)}."
i = "{.code {arg}${metric}} has length {length(x[[metric]])}."
), call = call)
check_length(x$breaks, min = 2, arg = as_cli("{arg}$breaks"), call = call)
check_bare_numeric(x$breaks, arg = as_cli("{arg}$breaks"), call = call)
check_bare_numeric(x$counts, arg = as_cli("{arg}$counts"), call = call)
check_bare_numeric(x$counts, arg = as_cli("{arg}${metric}"), call = call)

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions man/gizmo_density.Rd

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15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions man/gizmo_histogram.Rd

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