I have written documentation files for the Matlab-plugin
- matlab.en.tm
- matlab-abstract.en.tm (basically an adaptation of Joris van der Hoeven's octave-abstract.en.tm)
- matlab-install.en.tm (an installation and configuration instruction) The startup script included therein is the result of a collaborative effort by jeroen, pireddag, and me on http://forum.texmacs.cn/t/getting-the-matlab-plugin-working-with-texmacs/368)
- matlab-demo.en (a short guide to show the working of the Matlab-plugin)
jeroen, pireddag, and me wrote the script file
- tm_matlab
If they are considered useful, I offer them to be included for public use. Feedback on any shortcomings, inconsistencies or (blatant) errors is more than appreciated.
Tilda A. Steiner