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Installation and Usage

Tobias Fenster edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Business Central in a Box (BCinaB) wiki!

Installation and usage instructions

This assumes that you already have installed Docker on Windows 10 (1809 or later) or Windows Server 2019 or later


  1. Download and put in a folder
  2. If you are on Windows Server and didn't already install Docker compose, install it as described here, tab "Windows". The instructions for Windows Server 2016 also work on 2019.
  3. If you are on Windows 10, you should already have Docker Compose as it comes with Docker on Windows. To make sure, open a cmd and run docker-compose. This should give you usage instructions for Docker Compose
  4. Get in contact with me through or tobias.fenster (at) to get the login credentials for my private container repo

Start, stop and update

For all of the following tasks, open a PowerShell and run Import-Module c:\full-path\BCinaB.psm1 where "full-path" needs to be replaced with the folder where you downloaded it

  • Start:
    • To start, run Start-BCinaB
    • After the command has finished, open a browser at http://localhost:8080. You should see the initial BCinaB frontend including at least two running containers. Those are providing BCinaB, if you stop one of them, it will no longer work
  • Stop
    • Run Stop-BCinaB
  • Update
    • Run Update-BCinaB (this will stop BCinaB, download the current version of the BCinaB compose files and start BCinaB again)

Usage of license files

If you want to be able to select a license file, you need to store them in c:\programdata\bcinab\licenses.

What happens when the host machine restarts

During restart unfortunately the latest Windows versions lose the Docker networks (see That means that you can’t simple restart the containers. The most failsafe way would be Stop-BCinaB (removes everything) and then Start-BCinaB again. That should create everything again and also only take a couple of seconds

How to get notified if a new release is available

Follow the instructions here and you will get a notification when a new release is available