If you have developed GUI applications, you probably know the pain of designing a clean front-end only to find that your application window is too large for your client's screen. Making the content scrollable is not straightforward (at least in Tkinter). Especially not after you have already written a lot of code to draw the content.
You can use ScrollableContainers
to reduce headaches.
It's available on PyPI!
pip install ScrollableContainers
Scrollable containers are currently available for the following GUI toolkits.
- Tkinter
- wxPython
- PyQt5
- PyQt6
No part of the code in this repository has been written by or in consultation with artificial intelligence chatbots. All of it is purely a product of natural intelligence (or stupidity, as the case may be).
This project is not sponsored or endorsed by, or connected with, any organisation or entity such as but not limited to: the Tcl Core Team, the Python Software Foundation, the wxWidgets Team, the wxPython Team, the Qt Company and Riverbank Computing.
: a comprehensive implementation of a scrollable frame, and the flagship class
of this project. (I wrote the other classes just for completeness.)
Add widgets to the frame
attribute of a ScrollableFrameTk
See examples.
- Handles resize events correctly.
- Supports scrolling with the mouse wheel and touchpad.
- Scrolling the mouse wheel or swiping vertically with two fingers on the touchpad triggers a vertical scroll.
- Scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down Shift or swiping horizontally with two fingers on the touchpad triggers a horizontal scroll.
- Horizontally centres the contents if the window is wider.
- Reserves all space in the window for child widgets.
- The scrollbars do not take up any space. When scrolling or moving the cursor in the window, they are shown briefly, and then hidden.
, "<Button-5>"
and "<MouseWheel>"
are bound to all widgets using bind_all
to handle mouse wheel
scroll events. Do not unbind_all
(or bind_all
another function to) these three sequences!
: a thin wrapper around wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel
Add widgets to the panel
attribute of a ScrollablePanelWx
See examples.
- Does everything the wrapped class does.
- Horizontally centres the contents if the window is wider.
: a thin wrapper around
Add widgets to the area
attribute of a ScrollableAreaQt5
- Does everything the wrapped class does.
- Horizontally centres the contents if the window is wider.
In GTK, containers are widgets, so they can be aligned in other containers.
import itertools
import gi; gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk
window = Gtk.Window()
window.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)
window.set_default_size(256, 128)
scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
grid = Gtk.Grid()
dim = 10
for i, j in itertools.product(range(dim), repeat=2):
label = Gtk.Label()
label.set_label(f"Label\n({i}, {j})")
grid.attach(label, j, i, 1, 1)
Since horizontally centring the contents of a scrollable container is the primary function of this package, and GTK has built-in functionality to achieve the same, no submodule for PyGObject is implemented here.