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An Extended Error class that support custom properties

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ExtendedError makes it easier to create Error with custom properties


Install from the command line:

$ npm install @tfso/extended-error@1.0.0 --save

Install via package.json:

"@tfso/extended-error": "1.0.0"


Javascript import

const ExtendedError = require('@tfso/extended-error') //  as a JavaScript package
// or
const { ExtendedError } = require('@tfso/extended-error') //  access the class itself

TypeScript import

import ExtendedError from '@tfso/extended-error' //  as a TypeScript package
// or
import { ExtendedError } from '@tfso/extended-error' //  access the class itself

Create an error

import { ExtendedError } from '@tfso/extended-error'

const error = new ExtendedError('Not found', { status: 404 })

console.log(error.message) // Not found
console.log(error.status) // 404
console.log(error instanceof Error) // true
console.log(error instanceof ExtendedError) // true
console.log(error.stack) // 'Error: Not found\n    at repl:1:9\n ...


throw new ExtendedError('Not found', { status: 404 })

is equivalent to:

const error = new Error('Not found')
error.status = 404
throw error


Change log

The is automatically generated by auto-changelog by analysing PR, tags and commits.


You are welcome to contribute to the project by creating a pull request. Please follow the guidelines below to contribute effectively.

Creating a Pull Request (PR)

To create a pull request, follow these steps:

1. Clone the repository

2. Create branch

  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
git checkout -b feature/your-feature

2. Make Changes

  • Make your changes and ensure they follow our coding standards.

3. Commit Changes

  • Include #deploy_branch in your commit message in order to create a prerelease of your branch
git add .
git commit -m "Descriptive commit message #deploy_branch"

4. Push Changes

  • Push your changes to the repository.
git push origin feature/your-feature

5. Open a Pull Request

  • Go this repository on GitHub
  • Click on "New Pull Request."
  • Provide a detailed description of your changes.
  • Add a reviewer to your pull request.


If you need to test your branch during development, create a commit that includes #deploy_branch in the commit message. This will trigger a prerelease, allowing you to test in your project without creating a full package release.

CICD rules

  • auto prerelease on commit message #deploy_branch
  • auto prerelease from main branch


To create a new official release that update the latest release of the package, follow these steps:

1. Merge to Master

  • Ensure your changes are merged into the main branch.

2. Draft a New Release

  • Go to the GitHub repository.
  • Click on the "Releases" tab.
  • Click "Draft a new release."

3. Tag the Release

  • Choose a version number following semantic versioning (e.g., v1.0.0).
  • Provide release notes summarizing the changes since the last release.

4. Publish the Release

  • Click "Publish release" to make it official.

Thank you for your contribution!