Spotter is a Django web app that assists users in crowd-sourcing unconventional parking spots in urban areas.
Amazon AWS - RDS & S3
[OpenStreetMap] - Raster map tiles
OpenCage - Geosearch api
A link to the deployed app (Heroku)
Trello: Trello Board ERD: Lucidchart ERD
Wireframes: Figma Package
- Set timeout feature, for when you can only park for X hours
- Develop social features
- Nested comments
- Friends
- Share spots between friends
git clone
pip3 install pipenv
cd freepark
pipenv install
instead of:
pip3 install xyzpackage
do this:
pipenv install xyzpackage
git checkout -b branchname
git checkout branchname
git checkout main
git merge branchname
git push origin main