- You are required to write a brief (maximum 1 page) technical specification for the solution to the problem described below.
- For Database design please provide an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram, hand drawn on paper is also acceptable).
- Implement the application using core Net6 and Use Bootstrap With React
A private enterprise wants to test employee’s working knowledge and competence on a regular basis (say monthly). Each test is composed of a number of multiple choice questions. The number of questions in each test is varied and determined by the test creator at creation time. The number of choices (options) for each question is minimum of 2 (True of False type of question) and maximum of 6 with only 1 is correct. This enterprise would like to develop computer software to assist in automating the testing process. The software shall perform the following core functions:
• Creating a Questionnaire Database (QD).
• Creating a test using two methods:
a. Random Selection: User inputs number of questions for the test and software shall randomly selects the questions from its Questionnaire Database (QD created above). Compulsory condition: A newly added question in the QD shall be selected at least in the next 3 test creations.
b. Manual Selection: The user shall manually select each question from the QD for the test.
• Saving test results for reviewing by each employee and for judging of the management.
Learn how to install bootstrap 4 in react.js. Bootstrap is a CSS framework
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- using react-router-dom
- using react-webpack
- using rxjs
- using react-bootstrap
- using axios