A simple implementation of Adaptive Radix Tree (ART) in Go.
- An adaptive radix tree (trie) is useful for efficient indexing in main memory.
- Its lookup performance surpasses highly tuned, read-only search trees, while supporting very efficient insertions and deletions as well.
- Space efficient and solves the problem of excessive worst-case space consumption, which plagues most radix trees, by adaptively choosing compact and efficient data structures for internal nodes.
- Maintains the data in sorted order, which enables additional operations like range scan and prefix lookup.
package main
import (
func main() {
tree := art.NewTree()
// Insert
tree.Insert([]byte("hello"), "world")
value := tree.Search([]byte("hello"))
fmt.Println("value=", value)
// Delete
tree.Insert([]byte("wonderful"), "life")
tree.Insert([]byte("foo"), "bar")
deleted := tree.Delete([]byte("foo"))
fmt.Println("deleted=", deleted)
// Search
value = tree.Search([]byte("hello"))
fmt.Println("value=", value)
// Traverse (with callback function)
tree.Each(func(node *art.Node) {
if node.IsLeaf() {
fmt.Println("value=", node.Value())
// Iterator
for it := tree.Iterator(); it.HasNext(); {
value := it.Next()
if value.IsLeaf() {
fmt.Println("value=", value.Value())
// Prefix Scan
tree.Insert([]byte("api"), "bar")
tree.Insert([]byte("api.com"), "bar")
tree.Insert([]byte("api.com.xyz"), "bar")
leafFilter := func(n *art.Node) {
if n.IsLeaf() {
fmt.Println("value=", string(n.Key()))
tree.Scan([]byte("api"), leafFilter)
Benchmarks are run by inserting a dictionary of 235886 words into each tree.
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/thanhtranna/art
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz
// ART tree
BenchmarkWordsArtTreeInsert-16 14 79622476 ns/op 46379858 B/op 1604123 allocs/op
BenchmarkWordsArtTreeSearch-16 43 28123512 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUUIDsArtTreeInsert-16 20 56691374 ns/op 20404504 B/op 602400 allocs/op
BenchmarkUUIDsArtTreeSearch-16 34 32183846 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
// Radix tree
BenchmarkWordsRadixInsert-16 12 96886770 ns/op 50057340 B/op 1856741 allocs/op
BenchmarkWordsRadixSearch-16 33 40109553 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
// Skiplist
BenchmarkWordsSkiplistInsert-16 4 271771239 ns/op 32366958 B/op 1494019 allocs/op
BenchmarkWordsSkiplistSearch-16 8 135836216 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op