With this repo, I learned:
- layers on lambda, versioning them
- how to get custom runtime over lambda working
- blend all free stuffs on internet to play along
- storage classes on S3, pricing
- [ lambda ]
- pg_dump <– [pg@play-with-docker]:5432 via ngrok
- aws s3 cp dump.sql -> s3 bucket
you have been warned, please try this at home ;)
If you wanna do stupid thing like me here are you steps of reproduction:
- Preparation:
- get free aws account by filling form at end
- get a pg running available public to world ( I am not doing lambda in vpc for now) some how, I will write about it if necessary. I managed to do it with Play with docker + ngrok fusion
- configure things needed for lambda {iam role}, & s3 bucket(create new if necessary, and allow lambda role to write to it).
For sake of simplicity, I gave full control for time being. (
lambda full, and s3fullaccess)
- Execution:
- create a lambda layers
- layer for pg_dump
- layer for awscli
lol, I revised this,we have a Makefile now :)
make build_layers
- create a lambda layers
- Deployment
I have a recorded my screen for demo, I will share later.
- How to use AWS CLI within a Lambda function (aws s3 sync from Lambda)
- Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Serverless Computing - AWS Online Tech Talks
- Genese Cloud Academy free $75 credit, fill the form at end if you want to play with aws for “free”
- Play with docker + ngrok fusion; use Linux (32-bit) on alpine
- Postgresql
- sample db: https://github.com/h8/employees-database
cat > /tmp/secrets <<EOF
docker run --rm -it --env-file /tmp/secrets -p5432:5432 postgres:11-alpine