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A set of single-purpose, responsive and functional utilities for writing (S)CSS


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This utility droid provides a set of single-purpose, responsive and functional utilities for writing CSS within the Galaxy.

These mixins were designed to map a CSS property and value to a class name and then add !important to ensure they override all specificity. Every mixin written is meant to be responsive against a set of breakpoints that are provided. However those breakpoints can be overridden by passing in your own configuration.


$ npm install --save-dev @theholocron/starkiller

Table of Contents


There are a few things that are provided with this library. At its core, this is a (S)CSS mixin library using dart-sass modules. By default, mixins are available in a namespace based on the basename of the URL, so check out below for ways to import. Each of these will produce a CSS class that can then be used within your HTML.

// _index.scss

// include all utilities with 'starkiller' as the namespace
// calls all mixins and will include in CSS output
@use "./node_modules/@theholocron/starkiller/src" as starkiller;

// use all utilities with a different set of breakpoints
// calls all mixins and will include in CSS output
@use "./node_modules/@theholocron/starkiller/src" as starkiller with (
    $breakpoints: (
        "xs": "0",
        "sm": "480px",
        "md": "768px",
        "lg": "1024px",
        "xl": "1280px",

// include only a specific group of mixins
@use "@theholocron/starkiller/src/display" as *;
// call the mixins from this group
@include display();
@include visibility();

// use only a specific mixin
@use "@theholocron/starkiller/src/display/visibility";
// call the mixin you want to use
@include visibility();
// call the mixin you want, but override this breakpoints
@include visibility(
    $breakpoints: (
        "xs": "0",
        "sm": "480px",
        "md": "768px",
        "lg": "1024px",
        "xl": "1280px",

The previous examples are only a sample of what utilities are available.

If you only want the CSS, there are several configurations you can choose. The following uses unpkg as a CDN, so all of the rules apply to retrieving a specific version or file. But also provided in the dist directory are a set of compiled CSS files in both compressed and non-compressed forms. The entire library is provided as well as each directories as described below.

  • The [@<semver>] is an optional field that allows you to pick a specific version, or if you omit it will grab the latest tagged version.
  • The [min] is optional as well, but highly recommended if you're going to call the CSS file directly in your HTML, as its minified.
  • The <type> is a required field that allows one to pick a specific group to include or include the entire set. The following are allowed types:
    • starkiller - the entire collection
    • animations - only include animations
    • backgrounds-borders - only include backgrounds and borders
    • basic-user-interface - only include basic user interface
    • box-alignment - only include box alignment
    • box-model - only include box model
    • color - only include color
    • display - only include display
    • flexible-box-layout - only include flexible box layout
    • fonts - only include fonts
    • fragmentation - only include fragmentation
    • images - only include images
    • miscellaneous - only include miscellaneous
    • overflow - only include overflow
    • pointer-events - only include pointer events
    • positioning - only include positioning
    • scroll-snap - only include scroll snap
    • scrollbar - only include scrollbar
    • table - only include table
    • text-decoration - only include text decoration
    • text - only include text
    • transforms - only include animations
    • transitions - only include transitions
    • writing-modes - only include writing modes
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[@<semver>]/dist/<type>.[min].css" />

Once you've determined how you're going to include the files, then copy the code below, swapping out the <property-name> for one of the ones in a collection listed above (check each README for a list of the actual properties). By default the <property-name> is not responsive, but if you add any one of the keywords (xs, sm, md, lg, xl) preceded with a dash - and combine it with -up for sizes at that break point and up, or -down for sizes at that breakpoint and down, or -only for the range between that particularly break point, you can make it responsive.

<div class="<property-name>[-<breakpoint keyword>]">Text</div>

Where to Find Documentation

The best way to find out what's available is to check out the source code or test but you can also take a look at or the README which have been generated by SassDoc and sassdoc-to-markdown.

  • Animations - Animations is a module of CSS that lets you animate the values of CSS properties over time, using keyframes.
  • Backgrounds & Borders - Backgrounds and Borders is a module of CSS that allow filling backgrounds with color or an image (clipped or resized), or modifying them in other ways
  • Basic User Interface - Basic User Interface is a CSS module that lets you define the rendering and functionality of features related to the user interface.
  • Box Alignment - Box Alignment is a module of CSS features that relate to the alignment of boxes in the various CSS box layout models: block layout, table layout, flex layout, and grid layout.
  • Box Model - Box model is a module of CSS that defines the rectangular boxes—including their padding and margin—that are generated for elements and arranged according to the visual formatting model.
  • Color - Color is a CSS module that deals with colors, color types, color blending, opacity, and how you can apply these colors and effects to HTML content.
  • Display - Display is a module of CSS that defines how the CSS formatting box tree is generated from the document element tree and defines properties controlling it.
  • Flexible Box Layout - Flexible Box Layout is a module of CSS that defines a CSS box model optimized for user interface design, and the layout of items in one dimension.
  • Fonts - Fonts is a module of CSS that defines font-related properties and how font resources are loaded.
  • Fragmentation - Fragmentation is a module of CSS that defines how content is displayed when it is broken (fragmented) across multiple pages, regions, or columns.
  • Images - Images is a module of CSS that defines what types of images can be used (the <image> type, containing URLs, gradients and other types of images), how to resize them and how they, and other replaced content, interact with the different layout models.
  • Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous are CSS properties that are highly experimental or don't fit in any other categories.
  • Overflow - Overflow is a CSS module that contains the features of CSS relating to scrollable overflow handling in visual media
  • Pointer Events - Pointer Events is a CSS module that sets under what circumstances (if any) a particular graphic element can become the target of pointer events
  • Positioning - Positioning is a module of CSS that defines how to position elements on the page.
  • Scroll Snap - Scroll Snap is a module of CSS that introduces scroll snap positions, which enforce the scroll positions that a scroll container’s scrollport may end at after a scrolling operation has completed.
  • Scrollbar - Scrollbars is an experimental module of CSS.
  • Table - Table is a CSS module that defines how to lay out table data.
  • Text Decoration - Text Decoration is a module of CSS that defines features relating to text decoration, such as underlines, text shadows, and emphasis marks.
  • Text - Text is a module of CSS that defines how to perform text manipulation, like line breaking, justification and alignment, white-space handling, and text transformation.
  • Transforms - Transforms is a module of CSS that defines how elements styled with CSS can be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.
  • Transitions - Transitions is a module of CSS that lets you create gradual transitions between the values of specific CSS properties.

How We Track Changes Keep a Changelog

This project uses a CHANGELOG and GitHub releases which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project. Read more about changelogs.

How We Version semantic-release

We use SemVer for its versioning providing us an opt-in approach to releases. This means we add a version number according to the spec, as you see below. So rather than force developers to consume the latest and greatest, they can choose which version to consume and test any newer ones before upgrading. Please the read the spec as it goes into further detail.

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes.
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
  • PATCH version when you make backward-compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

How to Contribute Conventional Commits

Have a bug or a feature request? Looking to contribute to advance the project? Read our contribution guide or maintenance guide first in order to understand how we do things around here. Or you could look at some of our other guides below:

How do I… (click to expand)

Where to Find Support Contributor Covenant

Looking to talk to someone or need some help? Please read our support guidelines.

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License License: GPL v3

©2020 GNU General Public License v3. See LICENSE for specifics.


A set of single-purpose, responsive and functional utilities for writing (S)CSS




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