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Human Factor




You'll need to have Docker and docker-compose installed. If you're on a Mac, install Docker for Mac.

Up and running

To bring up a running dev environment run the following commands

$ docker-compose up -d
$ make migrate

You should see output that looks like this:

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "human-factor-api_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "human-factor-api_devdb" with default driver
Creating human-factor-api_db_1 ... done
Creating human-factor-api_api_1 ... done

$ make migrate
docker-compose exec api pipenv run flask db upgrade
Loading .env environment variables…
[2019-07-02 19:38:39,064] INFO in app: App configured to talk to DB: postgres://postgres:@db/human_factor
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade  -> fd19fa038408, Adds initial models

You can check that you have a working setup by doing

$ docker-compose ps
         Name                       Command               State            Ports
human-factor-api_api_1   ./bin/ ...   Up>9000/tcp
human-factor-api_db_1 postg ...   Up>5432/tcp


Developing locally is done via docker-compose, therefore you can use the normal docker-compose commands to interact with the containers. Below are a few examples


docker-compose logs -f <service-name>

Where service name can be either api or db

Make targets - make help

For convenience we have several make targets as shorthands for docker-compose commands.

Installing deps

We use pipenv to manage our python dependencies and virtualenvs. To install new deps you can simply go into the api container (make shell) and do

# pipenv install <dependency>

Recreate the db and blow away old versions

rm migrations/versions/* make db-reset

make shell pipenv shell

flask db migrate flask db upgrade