fully-automatic on-chain pump.fun solana MEVbot leveraging flashloans and the minimal gas fees of Solana to perform sandwich attacks and front-runs on https://pump.fun.
Due to the atomic nature of Flashloan operations, if they aren't profitable the transaction will revert and no net profit will be lost.
-- onchain solana program
-- website dashboard
graph LR
A[MEVBOT] --Identify TX -->C(Mev Buy)--> E(Target Buy)
E --> F(Mev Sell)
F -->J(no arb)
J--tx reverted -->A
F --> H(arbitrage) --profit --> A
- The bot is constantly sniffing the https://pump.fun Solana master SPL for user buys, sells, and token creations containing slippage deficits.
Bot operators can target any transaction value within their balance threshold. Generally, higher thresholds net consistently viable transactions
Once a transaction is identified, a flashloan is initiated for the target transaction amount, this requires a marginal amount of collateral.
The bot will aggresively attempt to front-run the transaction by dynamically monitoring the bribe to the miner and increasing it if necessary so as to be the first transaction mined.
Depending on the set parameters, the bot will either front-run the Dev's sell to remain in profit, or sell upon the token reaching KOTH.
The flashloan is then repaid, collateral is reiumbursed and profits are deposited into the operators wallet.
If the transaction is unprofitable at any point it will be reverted and the flashloan will be repaid, losing no gas or net profit.
a brain
knowledge of onchain dynamics and browser extensions
Download or clone the main branch of this repository
Install Greasemonkey ( Firefox) or Violentmonkey ( Chrome) extension, depending on which browser you have.
If you are using your own deployed Mev Engine along with the dashboard, don't forget to paste your program's SPL address into the
skip this step if you arent deploying your own program, and want your dashboard to connect to the ORCA public MEV program for a .1% trading fee!
Visit https://pump.fun
Open the Greasemonkey or Violentmonkey extension
+ create new script
ornew user script
Delete the default contents, and copy + paste the full code from the dashboard
Save the file. The dashboard has now been installed.
Visit https://pump.fun and refresh the page. The dashboard should now be visible
Make sure your operator's wallet has 1.5 - 2 SOL for proper token acquisition and smooth operation.
Click "START"
Manage your positions with the position manager, or wait for parameters to trigger.
- Click STOP to stop the bot and close all positions at any time
The bot will immediately begin searching for and transacting arbitrage on https://pump.fun
Stop the bot any time by clicking the "STOP" button. any current transactions will be sold or reverted.
If the dashboard is enabled but not appearing; some chrome-based browsers must have developer mode enabled, you can find the toggle in the top right of the extensions page.
Increase the flashloan limit by .5 - 1 SOL if you wish to target more than one or two coins at a time.
Code contributions are welcome. If you would like to contribute please submit a pull request with your suggested changes.
If you benefitted from the project, show us some support by giving us a star ⭐. Help us pave the way for open-source!