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defn: normal subgroups ≃ kernels
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plt-amy committed Apr 10, 2022
1 parent 24abe61 commit f72e2cc
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Showing 3 changed files with 253 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Algebra/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ give the unit, both on the left and on the right:
open is-monoid has-is-monoid public
inv-unit≡unit : inverse unit ≡ unit
inv-unit≡unit = monoid-inverse-unique
inv-unit : inverse unit ≡ unit
inv-unit = monoid-inverse-unique
has-is-monoid unit _ _ inversel (idl has-is-monoid)
inv-inv : ∀ {x} → inverse (inverse x) ≡ x
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250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions src/Algebra/Group/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -334,3 +334,253 @@ will compute.
∙ sym (happly (ap fst prf) f) })

## Representing kernels

If an evil wizard kidnaps your significant others and demands that you
find out whether a predicate $P : G \to \prop$ is a kernel, how would
you go about doing it? Well, I should point out that no matter how evil
the wizard is, they are still human: The predicate $P$ definitely
represents a subgroup, in the sense introduced
[above](#represents-subgroup) --- so there's definitely a group
homomorphism $\Sigma G \mono G$. All we need to figure out is whether
there exists a group $H$ and a map $f : G \to H$, such that $\Sigma G
\cong \ker f$ as subgroups of $G$.

We begin by assuming that we have a kernel and investigating some
properties that the fibres of its inclusion have. Of course, the fibre
over $0$ is inhabited, and they are closed under multiplication and
inverses, though we shall not make note of that here).

module _ {ℓ} {A B : Group ℓ} (f : Groups.Hom A B) where private
module Ker[f] = Kernel (Ker f)
module f = Group-hom (f .snd)
module A = Group-on (A .snd)
module B = Group-on (B .snd)

kerf : Ker[f].ker .fst A .fst
kerf = Ker[f].kernel .fst

has-zero : fibre kerf A.unit
has-zero = (A.unit , f.pres-id) , refl

has-⋆ : {x y} fibre kerf x fibre kerf y fibre kerf (x A.⋆ y)
has-⋆ ((a , p) , q) ((b , r) , s) =
(a A.⋆ b , f.pres-⋆ _ _ ·· ap₂ B._⋆_ p r ·· B.idl) ,
ap₂ A._⋆_ q s

It turns out that $\ker f$ is also closed under _conjugation_ by
elements of the enveloping group, in that if $f(x) = 1$ (quickly
switching to "multiplicative" notation for the unit), then $f(yxy^{-1})$
must be $1$ as well: for we have $$f(y)f(x)f(y^{-1}) = f(y)1f(y^{-1}) =
f(yy^{-1}) = f(1) = 1$$.
has-conjugate : ∀ {x y} → fibre kerf x → fibre kerf (y A.⋆ x A.⋆ y A.⁻¹)
has-conjugate {x} {y} ((a , p) , q) = (_ , path) , refl where
path =
f .fst (y A.⋆ x A.⋆ y A.⁻¹) ≡⟨ ap (f .fst) A.associative ⟩
f .fst ((y A.⋆ x) A.⋆ y A.⁻¹) ≡⟨ f.pres-⋆ _ _ ⟩
f .fst (y A.⋆ x) B.⋆ f .fst (y A.⁻¹) ≡⟨ ap (B._⋆ _) (f.pres-⋆ y x) ⟩
(f .fst y B.⋆ f .fst x) B.⋆ f .fst (y A.⁻¹) ≡⟨ ap (B._⋆ _) (ap (_ B.⋆_) (ap (f .fst) (sym q) ∙ p) ∙ B.idr) ⟩
f .fst y B.⋆ f .fst (y A.⁻¹) ≡˘⟨ f.pres-⋆ _ _ ⟩
f .fst (y A.⋆ y A.⁻¹) ≡⟨ ap (f .fst) A.inverser ∙ f.pres-id ⟩
B.unit ∎
It turns out that this last property is enough to pick out exactly the
kernels amongst the representations of subgroups: If $H$ is closed under
conjugation, then $H$ generates an equivalence relation on the set
underlying $G$ (namely, $(x - y) \in H$), and equip the [quotient] of
this equivalence relation with a group structure. The kernel of the
quotient map $G \to G/H$ is then $H$. We call a predicate representing a
kernel a **normal subgroup**, and we denote this in shorthand by $H
\unlhd G$.
[quotient]: Data.Set.Coequaliser.html
record normal-subgroup (G : Group ℓ) (H : ℙ (G .fst)) : Type ℓ where
open Group-on (G .snd)
has-rep : represents-subgroup G H
has-conjugate : ∀ {x y} → x ∈ H → (y ⋆ x ⋆ y ⁻¹) ∈ H
has-conjugatel : ∀ {x y} → y ∈ H → ((x ⋆ y) ⋆ x ⁻¹) ∈ H
has-conjugatel yin = subst (_∈ H) associative (has-conjugate yin)
has-comm : ∀ {x y} → (x ⋆ y) ∈ H → (y ⋆ x) ∈ H
has-comm {x = x} {y} ∈ = subst (_∈ H) p (has-conjugate ∈) where
p = x ⁻¹ ⋆ (x ⋆ y) ⋆ x ⁻¹ ⁻¹ ≡⟨ ap₂ _⋆_ refl (sym associative) ∙ (λ i → x ⁻¹ ⋆ x ⋆ y ⋆ inv-inv {x = x} i) ⟩
x ⁻¹ ⋆ x ⋆ y ⋆ x ≡⟨ associative ⟩
(x ⁻¹ ⋆ x) ⋆ y ⋆ x ≡⟨ ap₂ _⋆_ inversel refl ∙ idl ⟩
y ⋆ x ∎
open represents-subgroup has-rep public
So, suppose we have a normal subgroup $H \unlhd G$. We define the
underlying type of the quotient $G/H$ to be the quotient of the relation
$R(x, y) = (x - y) \in H$; It can be equipped with a group operation
inherited from $G$, but this is _incredibly_ tedious to do.
module _ (Grp : Group ℓ) {H : ℙ (Grp .fst)} (N : normal-subgroup Grp H) where
open normal-subgroup N
open Group-on (Grp .snd) renaming (inverse to inv)
G0 = Grp .fst
rel : G0 → G0 → Type _
rel x y = (x ⋆ y ⁻¹) ∈ H
rel-refl : ∀ x → rel x x
rel-refl _ = subst (_∈ H) (sym inverser) has-unit
G/H : Type _
G/H = G0 / rel
op : G/H → G/H → G/H
op = Quot-op₂ rel-refl rel-refl _⋆_ (λ w x y z a b → rem₃ y z w x b a) where
To prove that the group operation `_⋆_`{.Agda} descends to the quotient,
we prove that it takes related inputs to related outputs — a
characterisation of binary operations on quotients we can invoke since
the relation we’re quotienting by is reflexive. It suffices to show that
$(yw - zx) \in H$ whenever $w - x$ and $y - z$ are both in $H$, which is
a tedious but straightforward calculation:
_ (w x y z : G0)
(w-x∈ : (w ⋆ inv x) ∈ H)
(y-z∈ : (y ⋆ inv z) ∈ H) where abstract
rem₁ : ((w ⋆ inv x) ⋆ (inv z ⋆ y)) ∈ H
rem₁ = has-⋆ w-x∈ (has-comm y-z∈)
rem₂ : ((w ⋆ (inv x ⋆ inv z)) ⋆ y) ∈ H
rem₂ = subst (_∈ H) (associative ∙ ap (_⋆ y) (sym associative)) rem₁
rem₃ : ((y ⋆ w) ⋆ inv (z ⋆ x)) ∈ H
rem₃ = subst (_∈ H) (associative ∙ ap₂ _⋆_ refl (sym inv-comm))
(has-comm rem₂)
To define inverses on the quotient, it suffices to show that whenever
$(x - y) \in H$, we also have $(x^{-1} - y) \in H$.
inverse : G/H → G/H
inverse =
Coeq-rec squash (λ x → inc (inv x)) λ { (x , y , r) → quot (p x y r) }
where abstract
p : ∀ x y → (x ⋆ inv y) ∈ H → (inv x ⋆ inv (inv y)) ∈ H
p x y r = has-comm (subst (_∈ H) inv-comm (has-inv r))
Even after this tedious algebra, it still remains to show that the
operation is associative and has inverses. Fortunately, since equality
in a group is a proposition, these follow from the group axioms on $G$
rather directly:
Group-on-G/H : Group-on G/H
Group-on-G/H = make-group squash (inc unit) op inverse
(Coeq-elim-prop₃ (λ _ _ _ → squash _ _)
λ x y z i → inc (associative {x = x} {y} {z} (~ i)))
(Coeq-elim-prop (λ _ → squash _ _) λ x i → inc (inversel {x = x} i))
(Coeq-elim-prop (λ _ → squash _ _) λ x i → inc (inverser {x = x} i))
(Coeq-elim-prop (λ _ → squash _ _) λ x i → inc (idl {x = x} i))
_/ᴳ_ : Group _
_/ᴳ_ = G/H , Group-on-G/H
incl : Groups.Hom Grp _/ᴳ_
incl .fst = inc
incl .snd .Group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = refl
Before we show that the kernel of the quotient map is isomorphic to the
subgroup we started with (and indeed, that this isomorphism commutes
with the respective, so that they determine the same subobject of $G$),
we must show that the relation $(x - y) \in H$ is an equivalence
relation; We can then appeal to [effectivity of quotients] to conclude
that, if $\id{inc}(x) = \id{inc}(y)$, then $(x - y) \in H$.
[effectivity of quotients]: Data.Set.Coequaliser.html#effecitivity
rel-sym : ∀ {x y} → rel x y → rel y x
rel-sym h = subst (_∈ H) (inv-comm ∙ ap (_⋆ _) inv-inv) (has-inv h)
rel-trans : ∀ {x y z} → rel x y → rel y z → rel x z
rel-trans {x} {y} {z} h g = subst (_∈ H) p (has-⋆ h g) where
p = (x ⋆ y ⁻¹) ⋆ (y ⋆ z ⁻¹) ≡˘⟨ associative ⟩
x ⋆ (y ⁻¹ ⋆ (y ⋆ z ⁻¹)) ≡⟨ ap (x ⋆_) associative ⟩
x ⋆ ((y ⁻¹ ⋆ y) ⋆ z ⁻¹) ≡⟨ ap (x ⋆_) (ap (_⋆ _) inversel ∙ idl) ⟩
x ⋆ z ⁻¹ ∎
/ᴳ-effective : ∀ {x y} → Path G/H (inc x) (inc y) → rel x y
/ᴳ-effective = equiv→inverse
(effective (λ _ _ → H _ .is-tr) (rel-refl _) rel-trans rel-sym)
module Ker[incl] = Kernel (Ker incl)
Ker-sg = Ker-subgroup incl
H-sg = predicate→subgroup H has-rep
H-g = H-sg .object ./-Obj.domain
The two halves of the isomorphism are now very straightforward to
define: If we have $\id{inc}(x) = \id{inc}(0)$, then $x - 0 \in H$ by
effectivity, and $x \in H$ by the group laws. Conversely, if $x \in H$,
then $x - 0 \in H$, thus they are identified in the quotient. Thus, the
predicate $\id{inc}(x) = \id{inc}(0)$ recovers the subgroup $H$; And
(the total space of) that predicate is exactly the kernel of $\id{inc}$!
Ker[incl]≅H-group : Ker[incl].ker Groups.≅ H-g
Ker[incl]≅H-group = Groups.make-iso to from il ir where
to : Groups.Hom _ _
to .fst (x , p) = x , subst (_∈ H) (ap (_ ⋆_) inv-unit ∙ idr) x-0∈H where
x-0∈H = /ᴳ-effective p
to .snd .Group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _ = Σ-prop-path (λ _ → H _ .is-tr) refl
from : Groups.Hom _ _
from .fst (x , p) = x , quot (subst (_∈ H) (sym idr ∙ ap (_ ⋆_) (sym inv-unit)) p)
from .snd .Group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _ = Σ-prop-path (λ _ → squash _ _) refl
il = Forget-is-faithful $ funext λ x → Σ-prop-path (λ _ → H _ .is-tr) refl
ir = Forget-is-faithful $ funext λ x → Σ-prop-path (λ _ → squash _ _) refl
To show that these are equal as subgroups of $G$, we must show that the
isomorphism above commutes with the inclusions; But this is immediate by
computation, so we can conclude: Every normal subgroup is a kernel.
Ker[incl]≡H↪G : Ker-sg ≡ H-sg
Ker[incl]≡H↪G = antisym ker≤H H≤ker where
SubG = Subobjects (Groups ℓ) Groups-is-category Grp
open Poset SubG
open Groups._≅_ Ker[incl]≅H-group
ker≤H : Ker-sg ≤ H-sg
ker≤H ./ = to
ker≤H ./-Hom.commutes = Forget-is-faithful refl
H≤ker : H-sg ≤ Ker-sg
H≤ker ./ = from
H≤ker ./-Hom.commutes = Forget-is-faithful refl
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Algebra/Prelude.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ open import Cat.Instances.Slice public
open import Cat.Functor.Base public
open import Cat.Univalent public
open import Cat.Prelude public
open import Cat.Thin using (Poset ; Proset) public

import Cat.Diagram.Coequaliser
import Cat.Diagram.Coproduct
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