Link distant parts of your codebase together with randomly generated coderefs, either from the coderef webpage hosted from the "webpage" branch, or using the npx coderef
command, found on this branch.
const el = document.querySelector('#someElement');
const color = '#00f'; // Search this project for §xRDEM to find other locations that use this color. = color;
body {
/* Search this project for §xRDEM to find other locations that use this color. */
color: #00f;
Anyone reading this code can know that if they use their favorite project-searching tool (via their editor, grep, etc), they can easily find all related pieces of code.
Happy Coding!
If for some reason you choose to install and import this package, you will find it exposes a single generate
function, which, when called, returns a randomly generated tag.
This project is under the MIT license.