The first 2 years of BGA have been testing the water on how we should run in the future.
This new website, for launch prior to BGA25, will enable help realise those goals by allowing for:
- Blog posting - RSS
- Signup via Google / email
- Allowing us to collect only Demographic information and contact information to better serve the bioinformatics community.
- This allows us to better move with the aims of groups like Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (J.E.D.I Commitee) of the EBP.
- Through these signups, attendees will be able to signup for specific sessions and allow us to run a second instance of that session
- Keep a database of sessions, years, software versions, protocols, e.t.c to enable a true ToolNote system
- ToolNotes would be sessions which could release along side a paper to show off the tool in a more tutorial based manner or for students to gain a better understanding of said tool.
Python3.10 + Django - 5.1
- Chosen due to the wide adoption of Python, and bug fixes and updates are more doable that if I went with a rust based system.
- Popular and very scalable
- It's Docker, containerisation is very important for this kind of project in my opinion.