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Kygekraqmak edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 5 revisions

Download and install the plugin in the plugins folder. Start the server for the plugin to load the config.yml.

The config.yml is located in plugin_data\KygekJoinUI. It is where you can change the title, content, and button of the KygekJoinUI.


  • config-version: 1.1 = Config.yml version (Don't change!)
  • Mode: SimpleForm = Change the KygekJoinUI mode (SimpleForm or ModalForm)
  • title: KygekJoinUI = Change the title of KygekJoinUI
  • content: Change in config.yml! = Change the content of KygekJoinUI
  • Buttons: = The button(s) of KygekJoinUI (SimpleForm or ModalForm)
  • SimpleForm: = Button(s) that will show if you choose SimpleForm mode
  • Ok:say Hello! = Change the button of SimpleForm mode of KygekJoinUI (use button_name:command1:command2:... to execute commands when the button is pressed)
  • ModalForm: = Button(s) that will show if you choose ModalForm mode (only supports 2 buttons!)
  • B1: = First button of ModalForm mode (Don't change!)
  • name: Button1 = Change the button of the first ModalForm button
  • command: say Button1! = Change the command that will be executed when the first button is pressed
  • B2: = Second button of ModalForm mode (Don't change!)
  • name: Button2 = Change the button of the second ModalForm button
  • command: say Button2! = Change the command that will be executed when the second button is pressed

You can also use \n to make a new line and § to add formating (colors, bold, italic, etc.).

For now, restart is strongly recommended to reload the config.yml. Using /reload command is strongly not recommended due to may break some plugins.

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