A webapp that allows people to remember the lyrical verses that have impacted them in some way.
- Create a fun web site that scratches a personal itch. I'm hoping to actually go-live with this.
- Get personally caught up on modern tech stack, including Spring Boot, JPA, MVC, Eureka/Ribbon/Feign and Docker Compose & Kubernetes
General goals:
- Be able to run the app stack on a Windows desktop in each of these deployment configs with the same source code:
- Spring Boot plugin direct on the host (same as java -jar ...)
- Docker run - using custom/basic Dockerfile(s)
- Docker-compose - development-like mode using the basic Dockerfiles(s) & in-memory H2 databases
- Docker-compose - production-like mode using images created from various from helper frameworks & a MariaDB database
- Kubernetes (via Docker Desktop) - production-like mode using k8s resource files, images created from the Google Jib plugin and running in a live-reload mode provided by
skaffold dev
- The app stack, including several microservices, are modeled after the design guidance from:
- Use existing social media logins, via OpenID Connect (OICD)/OAuth2, so that I can avoid storage of usernames and passwords
When running from IDE or CLI:
- edit 'hosts' file to have aliases for localhost localhost lyricalimpact.net keycloak.lyricalimpact.net
When running from docker-compose, skaffold or helm:
- edit 'hosts' file to have an entry for host's actual IP address lyricalimpact.net keycloak.lyricalimpact.net
Service orchestration using docker-compose
(or the new docker compose
command) in one of several ways (in order of preference):
Google container tools, the maven plugin can create the docker images for Boot apps. Use case: Production-like stack deployment. Runs with pre-built containers and a MariaDB service.
mvn clean install
mvn jib:dockerBuild
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up -d --scale tags=3
Starting with Spring Boot 2.3.0M2, the maven plugin can create the docker images for Boot apps. Use case: Production-like stack deployment. Runs with pre-built containers and a MariaDB service.
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dmaven.test.skip=true
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up -d --scale tags=3
Use case: Fast developer stack deployment. Runs with local directory Dockerfiles and in-memory H2 database services
cd docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
note: services are not scalable because all service ports are exposed to host for debugging purposes
Deployment using Kubernetes and either Skaffold or Helm. Docker Desktop can manage a single-node Kubernetes instance, so enable that option. Download CLIs for Skaffold, Helm and Kubectl and put each on PATH env var.
- Enable the WLS2 option for Docker and then set resource limits. Create, or edit, the file "~/.wslconfig" file to include:
Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/
Powershell (as admin):
kubectl proxy
mvn clean install
skaffold dev
ctrl+c to undeploy
Reference full instructions in the Helm README file
cd ./k8s/helm/lyrical-impact
helm install lyrical-impact ./
helm list
helm uninstall lyrical-impact
- The two external accessible services are LoadBalanced and accessible via localhost aliases.
- Application: http://lyricalimpact.net:9090/
- Keycloak Admin: http://keycloak.lyricalimpact.net:8080/
The app uses OAUTH2/OpenID Connection (OIDC) to allow for flexible user management, externalized from the app itself. There are three identity provider integrations that I prioritized for working with: Google, Okta and Keycloak.
Use the Google Cloud Platform developer Console
> APIs & Services
to create Credentials
> OAuth2.0 Clients
. The
Client ID
, Client Secret
and Authorized URIs
are made available to the app via externalized env properties.
Use the Okta developer console to create Applications
> Applications
. The
Client ID
, Client Secret
and Authorized URIs
are made available to the app via externalized env properties.
Keycloak, v13.0.1, is a local OIDC server. Create a service for local user accounts that can login to the application.
The Client ID
, Client Secret
and Authorized URIs
are made available to the app via externalized env properties.
To automated the creation of a Keycloak realm, client, roles and users, you must:
- Start Keycloak in its unconfigured state
- Create the Keycloak resources via the admin UI
- Export the realm to json file
- Mount the json file to the docker container so that Keycloak will automatically import the config on startup