is a Vapor service for verifying academic emails against the SWOT database.
SWOT is a community-driven database that has a large list of valid academic emails. This is useful for things like providing student discounts. This package checks against that database to give a reasonably good idea of if a given email is an academic email.
Installation is done through the Swift Package Manager
.package(url: "https://github.com/thecoolwinter/SwiftSWOT.git", from: "1.0.1")
.target(name: "App", dependencies: [
.product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
.product(name: "SwiftSWOT", package: "SwiftSWOT")
In your request path, validate emails using the SWOT
variable on the request.
app.on(.GET, "validateStudent", ":email") { (req) -> [String: String] in
guard let email = try? req.parameters.require("email") else {
return [
"valid": "false",
"reason": "Please provide an email to validate."
let isValidEmail = req.SWOT.validateEmail(email)
if isValidEmail {
return [
"valid": "true"
} else {
return [
"valid": "false",
"reason": "Not a valid academic email address."
You can also get the academic institution's name from the email.
app.on(.GET, "institution", ":email") { (req) -> [String: String] in
guard let email = try? req.parameters.require("email") else {
return [
"valid": "false",
"reason": "Please provide an email to validate.",
"institutionName": ""
let institutionName = req.SWOT.institutionFromEmail(email)
if institutionName != nil {
return [
"valid": "true",
"institutionName": institutionName!
} else {
return [
"valid": "false",
"reason": "Not a valid academic email address.",
"institutionName": ""
The configuration can be set using the SwiftSWOTConfig
object on your app.
You can configure:
- Blacklist
- Custom institutions that might not be in the database
- Toggle logging
app.SWOT.configuration = .init(loggingEnabled: true, // Default `false`
blacklist: [ // Array of domain names to ignore
trustedDomains: [
"my.gcu.edu": "Grand Canyon University"
is a dictionary of Domain : Institution Name
. The domain is what SWOT wil search for when validating an email, Institution Name is what will be returned from req.SWOT.institutionFromEmail(email)
Note: gmail.com
and yahoo.org
are there for example, they will return false if checked against the database.