This repository contains the research compendium organized as an R package for Nascimento et al. 2020. Here you can find all scripts and data used in our paper. In the future I will also add vignettes to reproduce our analyses.
Please note that the functions provided in this research compendium were optimized for our data, and might not work on your own data as it is. However, reproducing our analysis using the vignettes may help you setting up your own analysis for epidemiology using structured coaslecent models as described in Volz, 2012.
Fabricia F. Nascimento (
Erik M. Volz (
devtools::install_github(repo = "thednainus/senegalHIVmodel", build_vignettes = T)
# After installing the package:
You can find the scripts used for the Senegal HIV model in the scripts directory.
The data directory contains all the data used to estimate the epidemiological parameters in the Senegal HIV model.