docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/app thedrum/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/app thedrum/phpunit:7.2 -c phpunit.xml.dist
Specify the image you wish with the -dev
variant which has Xdebug installed.
The XDEBUG_CONFIG settings will attempt to connect to the Docker bridge network IP.
The PHP_IDE_CONFIG will set the server name of the debug connection to test.{current directory name}
, for example test.my-api
which can be used by your IDE to set server
and path mappings.
docker run -it --rm \
-e PHP_IDE_CONFIG=serverName=test.$(basename `pwd`) \
-e XDEBUG_CONFIG="remote_host=$(docker network inspect --format='{{(index (index .IPAM.Config) 0).Gateway}}' bridge) remote_enable=1" \
-v ${PWD}:/app thedrum/phpunit:7.2-dev -c phpunit.xml.dist