Self-learning can be taugh if we take a look on what does it means when we want to become a full stack developer or, as many sites refer to "Full Web Stack Developer". This is why I have found a nice play that can help me with that goal. The Odin Project is a very complete set of lessons, a big community and a group of professionals whom can help us to, somehow, syntetise all the knoledge available.
As you may encounter yourself goind deeper and depper in the vast ocean of programming knoledge, I am taking the professionals opinion about "try to keep the goals simple day by day". It is very easy to get lost and loose focus while learning. Some of the topics we must cover, at least this is the way I am doing it right now, are:
- HTML and HTML5.
- CSS(Cascading Style Sheets).
- Javascript.
- Git & Github.