- This app is now available on: https://publish.djurchdqn9zlc.amplifyapp.com/
- Now days, a lot of people wasted your time for the internet. They use their phone to watching movies,tiktok videos, playing bland games, ... for relaxing.
- I establish this website to help every one can either playing game or train their brain for better and better.
- Here, you have multiple choices for games. You can play any game as you like and almost free.
- This website is in the establishment period. At now, We don't have a lot of games. I will try to develop new game in the future.
- At now, you can try:
- Sudoku challenge
- Knight Tour challenge
- Maze Escape challenge
- N Puzzle challenge
- Technologies:
- Back-end: Spring Framework (Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Security)
- Front-end: ReactJs library, React-Bootstrap, React-Router
- Tools: IntelliJ IDE, WebStorm IDE, Source Tree
- CI / CD
- Github repository, CI on Github Action
- AWS EC2 for deploy, nginx used as reverse proxy
- Honestly, I'm not like develop game. I only like playing game, lol. But in fact, develop this game make me practices several things in software development way path.
- Let's go and train your brain now!