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themathqueen committed Apr 6, 2024
1 parent c3b3029 commit cd28197
Showing 1 changed file with 183 additions and 108 deletions.
291 changes: 183 additions & 108 deletions Monlib/LinearAlgebra/OfNorm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -404,15 +404,13 @@ example
apply ContinuousLinearMap.le_of_opNorm_le
exact ContinuousLinearMap.le_opNorm _ _

open scoped ComplexOrder
open RCLike
lemma Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_closedUnitBall_iff
{𝕜 H : Type _} [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H] [NormedSpace 𝕜 H] (x : H) :
x ∈ Set.extremePoints 𝕜 (closedBall 0 1) ↔
(‖x‖ ≤ 1
∀ (x₁ : H), ‖x₁‖ ≤ 1 → ∀ (x₂ : H), ‖x₂‖ ≤ 1
lemma Set.mem_extremePoints_iff'
{H : Type _} [AddCommMonoid H] [SMul 𝕜 H] (x : H) (y : Set H) :
x ∈ Set.extremePoints 𝕜 y ↔
(x ∈ y ∧
∀ (x₁ : H), x₁ ∈ y → ∀ (x₂ : H), x₂ ∈ y →
(∃ a : 𝕜, 0 < a ∧ a < 1 ∧ a • x₁ + (1 - a) • x₂ = x) → x₁ = x ∧ x₂ = x) := by
{ simp only [mem_extremePoints, mem_closedBall, openSegment, Set.mem_setOf]
simp only [mem_extremePoints, openSegment, Set.mem_setOf]
simp only [exists_and_left, forall_exists_index, and_imp, dist_zero_right, and_congr_right_iff]
intro h
Expand All @@ -422,26 +420,27 @@ lemma Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_closedUnitBall_iff
have hs' := calc 0 < s ↔ 0 < 1 - r := by rw [← hrs, add_sub_cancel_left]
_ ↔ r < 1 := by rw [sub_pos]
apply h2 y hy z hz r hr (hs'.mp hs)
simp only [add_right_inj, ← hrs, add_sub_cancel_left] } }
simp only [add_right_inj, ← hrs, add_sub_cancel_left] }

open scoped ComplexOrder
open RCLike
lemma Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_closed_unitBall_iff
{𝕜 H : Type _} [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H] [NormedSpace 𝕜 H] (x : H) :
x ∈ Set.extremePoints 𝕜 (closedBall 0 1) ↔
(‖x‖ ≤ 1
∀ (x₁ : H), ‖x₁‖ ≤ 1 → ∀ (x₂ : H), ‖x₂‖ ≤ 1
(∃ a : 𝕜, 0 < a ∧ a < 1 ∧ a • x₁ + (1 - a) • x₂ = x) → x₁ = x ∧ x₂ = x) :=
by simp_rw [Set.mem_extremePoints_iff', mem_closedBall, dist_zero_right]

lemma Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_unitBall_iff
{𝕜 H : Type _} [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H] [NormedSpace 𝕜 H] (x : H) :
x ∈ Set.extremePoints 𝕜 (ball 0 1) ↔
(‖x‖ < 1
∀ (x₁ : H), ‖x₁‖ < 1 → ∀ (x₂ : H), ‖x₂‖ < 1
(∃ a : 𝕜, 0 < a ∧ a < 1 ∧ a • x₁ + (1 - a) • x₂ = x) → x₁ = x ∧ x₂ = x) := by
{ simp only [mem_extremePoints, mem_ball, openSegment, Set.mem_setOf]
simp only [exists_and_left, forall_exists_index, and_imp, dist_zero_right, and_congr_right_iff]
intro h
{ rintro h2 y hy z hz r hr hrr rfl
exact h2 y hy z hz r hr (1 - r) (sub_pos.mpr hrr) (add_sub_cancel _ _) rfl }
{ rintro h2 y hy z hz r hr s hs hrs rfl
have hs' := calc 0 < s ↔ 0 < 1 - r := by rw [← hrs, add_sub_cancel_left]
_ ↔ r < 1 := by rw [sub_pos]
apply h2 y hy z hz r hr (hs'.mp hs)
simp only [add_right_inj, ← hrs, add_sub_cancel_left] } }
(∃ a : 𝕜, 0 < a ∧ a < 1 ∧ a • x₁ + (1 - a) • x₂ = x) → x₁ = x ∧ x₂ = x) :=
by simp_rw [Set.mem_extremePoints_iff', mem_ball, dist_zero_right]

lemma Metric.exists_mem_closedUnitBall_of_norm_one (𝕜 H : Type _) [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H] [NormedSpace 𝕜 H]
lemma Metric.exists_mem_closed_unitBall_of_norm_one (𝕜 H : Type _) [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H] [NormedSpace 𝕜 H]
[Nontrivial H] :
∃ x : H, ‖x‖ = 1 ∧ x ∈ closedBall (0 : H) 1 := by
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ : ∃ x : H, x ≠ 0 := exists_ne 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,93 +481,169 @@ by
rw [← real_inner_eq_re_inner]
exact @inner_lt_one_iff_real_of_norm_one H _ (InnerProductSpace.rclikeToReal 𝕜 H) _ _ hx hy

theorem ne_zero_iff_nontrivial_of_mem_extremePoints_closed_unitBall
{𝕜 H : Type _} [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 H] {x : H}
(hx : x ∈ Set.extremePoints 𝕜 (Metric.closedBall (0 : H) 1)) :
x ≠ 0 ↔ Nontrivial H :=
refine ⟨λ h => ⟨⟨x, 0, h⟩⟩, λ h => ?_⟩
simp only [Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_closed_unitBall_iff] at hx
rintro rfl
simp only [norm_zero, zero_le_one, true_and] at hx
obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := Metric.exists_mem_closed_unitBall_of_norm_one 𝕜 H
specialize hx y hy.1.le (-y) (by rw [norm_neg]; exact hy.1.le)
⟨(1/2 : ℝ), by simp_rw [RCLike.zero_lt_real, one_half_pos],
by simp_rw [← @RCLike.ofReal_one 𝕜, RCLike.real_lt_real]; norm_num,
by simp only [one_div, ofReal_inv, ofReal_ofNat, smul_neg, sub_smul, neg_sub,
← add_sub_assoc, ← add_smul]; norm_num⟩
rw [hx.1, norm_zero] at hy
exact zero_ne_one hy.1

theorem norm_one_of_mem_extremePoints_of_closed_unitBall {𝕜 H : Type _} [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 H] [Nontrivial H] {x : H}
(hx : x ∈ Set.extremePoints 𝕜 (Metric.closedBall (0 : H) 1)) :
‖x‖ = 1 := by
have := (ne_zero_iff_nontrivial_of_mem_extremePoints_closed_unitBall hx).mpr (by infer_instance)
simp_rw [Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_closed_unitBall_iff] at hx
rcases hx with ⟨h1, h⟩
by_cases hx' : ‖x‖ ≠ 1
. specialize h ((1 / ‖x‖ : 𝕜) • x)
(by simp_rw [norm_smul, one_div, norm_inv, norm_ofReal, abs_norm, inv_mul_cancel (norm_ne_zero_iff.mpr this), le_rfl])
0 (by simp_rw [norm_zero, zero_le_one])
(⟨‖x‖, by simp_rw [RCLike.zero_lt_real]; exact norm_pos_iff.mpr this,
by simp_rw [← @RCLike.ofReal_one 𝕜, real_lt_real, lt_iff_le_and_ne]; exact ⟨h1, hx'⟩,
by simp only [one_div, smul_zero, add_zero, smul_smul, ← ofReal_inv, ← ofReal_mul,
mul_inv_cancel (norm_ne_zero_iff.mpr this), ofReal_one, one_smul]⟩)
exact this h.2.symm
rw [not_ne_iff] at hx'
exact hx'

theorem mem_extremePoints_of_closedBall_iff_norm_eq_one
{𝕜 H : Type _} [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup H] [InnerProductSpace 𝕜 H] [Nontrivial H] (x : H) :
x ∈ Set.extremePoints 𝕜 (Metric.closedBall (0 : H) 1) ↔ ‖x‖ = 1 := by
simp_rw [Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_closedUnitBall_iff]
rintro ⟨h1, h⟩
by_cases hx : x = 0
. simp_rw [hx] at h1 h ⊢
obtain ⟨y, hy, h₂⟩ := Metric.exists_mem_closedUnitBall_of_norm_one 𝕜 H
simp_rw [Metric.mem_closedBall, dist_eq_norm, sub_zero] at h₂
specialize h y h₂ (- y) (by rw [norm_neg]; exact h₂)
(⟨(1/2 : ℝ), by simp_rw [RCLike.zero_lt_real, one_half_pos],
by simp_rw [← @RCLike.ofReal_one 𝕜, RCLike.real_lt_real]; norm_num,
by simp only [one_div, ofReal_inv, ofReal_ofNat, smul_neg, sub_smul, neg_sub,
← add_sub_assoc, ← add_smul]; norm_num⟩)
rw [h.1] at hy
exact hy
by_cases hx' : ‖x‖ ≠ 1
. specialize h ((1 / ‖x‖ : 𝕜) • x)
(by simp_rw [norm_smul, one_div, norm_inv, norm_ofReal, abs_norm, inv_mul_cancel (norm_ne_zero_iff.mpr hx), le_rfl])
0 (by simp_rw [norm_zero, zero_le_one])
(⟨‖x‖, by simp_rw [RCLike.zero_lt_real]; exact norm_pos_iff.mpr hx,
by simp_rw [← @RCLike.ofReal_one 𝕜, real_lt_real, lt_iff_le_and_ne]; exact ⟨h1, hx'⟩,
by simp only [one_div, smul_zero, add_zero, smul_smul, ← ofReal_inv, ← ofReal_mul,
mul_inv_cancel (norm_ne_zero_iff.mpr hx), ofReal_one, one_smul]⟩)
exact hx h.2.symm
rw [not_ne_iff] at hx'
exact hx'
. rintro hx
refine ⟨by simp_rw [hx, le_rfl], λ y hy z hz ⟨α, hα₁, hα₂, hαx⟩ => ?_⟩
let β : ℝ := re α
have : (β : 𝕜) = α :=
simp_rw [@lt_def 𝕜, map_zero] at hα₁
rw [← re_add_im α, ← hα₁.2, ofReal_zero, zero_mul, add_zero]
simp_rw [← this, ← @ofReal_zero 𝕜, ← @ofReal_one 𝕜, real_lt_real, ← ofReal_sub] at hα₁ hα₂ hαx
have :=
calc 1 = ‖x‖ ^ 2 := by rw [hx, one_pow]
_ = ‖(β : 𝕜) • y + ((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ ^ 2 := by rw [hαx]
_ = (‖(β : 𝕜) • y‖ ^ 2 + 2 * re (⟪(β : 𝕜) • y, ((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z⟫_𝕜)
+ ‖((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ ^ 2 : ℝ) := by rw [← norm_add_pow_two]
_ = β ^ 2 * ‖y‖ ^ 2 + (2 * β * (1 - β)) * re (⟪y, z⟫_𝕜) + (1 - β) ^ 2 * ‖z‖ ^ 2 :=
simp_rw [norm_smul, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, conj_ofReal,
← mul_assoc, ← ofReal_mul, re_ofReal_mul, mul_pow, ← norm_pow, ← ofReal_pow]
simp only [norm_ofReal, abs_sq]
simp only [mul_assoc]
by_cases hyz : y = z
. rw [hyz, ← add_smul, ← ofReal_add, add_sub_cancel, ofReal_one, one_smul] at hαx
rw [hyz, and_self, hαx]
. by_cases hyzyz : ‖y‖ = 1 ∧ ‖z‖ = 1
. simp_rw [hyzyz, one_pow, mul_one] at this
have this' : re ⟪y, z⟫_𝕜 < 1 := (re_inner_lt_one_iff_of_norm_one hyzyz.1 hyzyz.2).mpr hyz
have := calc 1 = β ^ 2 + 2 * β * (1 - β) * re ⟪y, z⟫_𝕜 + (1 - β) ^ 2 := this
_ < β ^ 2 + 2 * β * (1 - β) * 1 + (1 - β) ^ 2 := by
simp only [add_lt_add_iff_right, add_lt_add_iff_left]
apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left this'
apply mul_pos (mul_pos two_pos hα₁)
simp only [sub_pos, hα₂]
_ = 1 := by ring_nf
refine ⟨λ hx => norm_one_of_mem_extremePoints_of_closed_unitBall hx, λ hx => ?_⟩
simp_rw [Metric.mem_extremePoints_of_closed_unitBall_iff]
refine ⟨by simp_rw [hx, le_rfl], λ y hy z hz ⟨α, hα₁, hα₂, hαx⟩ => ?_⟩
let β : ℝ := re α
have : (β : 𝕜) = α :=
simp_rw [@lt_def 𝕜, map_zero] at hα₁
rw [← re_add_im α, ← hα₁.2, ofReal_zero, zero_mul, add_zero]
simp_rw [← this, ← @ofReal_zero 𝕜, ← @ofReal_one 𝕜, real_lt_real, ← ofReal_sub] at hα₁ hα₂ hαx
have :=
calc 1 = ‖x‖ ^ 2 := by rw [hx, one_pow]
_ = ‖(β : 𝕜) • y + ((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ ^ 2 := by rw [hαx]
_ = (‖(β : 𝕜) • y‖ ^ 2 + 2 * re (⟪(β : 𝕜) • y, ((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z⟫_𝕜)
+ ‖((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ ^ 2 : ℝ) := by rw [← norm_add_pow_two]
_ = β ^ 2 * ‖y‖ ^ 2 + (2 * β * (1 - β)) * re (⟪y, z⟫_𝕜) + (1 - β) ^ 2 * ‖z‖ ^ 2 :=
simp_rw [norm_smul, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, conj_ofReal,
← mul_assoc, ← ofReal_mul, re_ofReal_mul, mul_pow, ← norm_pow, ← ofReal_pow]
simp only [norm_ofReal, abs_sq]
simp only [mul_assoc]
by_cases hyz : y = z
. rw [hyz, ← add_smul, ← ofReal_add, add_sub_cancel, ofReal_one, one_smul] at hαx
rw [hyz, and_self, hαx]
. by_cases hyzyz : ‖y‖ = 1 ∧ ‖z‖ = 1
. simp_rw [hyzyz, one_pow, mul_one] at this
have this' : re ⟪y, z⟫_𝕜 < 1 := (re_inner_lt_one_iff_of_norm_one hyzyz.1 hyzyz.2).mpr hyz
have := calc 1 = β ^ 2 + 2 * β * (1 - β) * re ⟪y, z⟫_𝕜 + (1 - β) ^ 2 := this
_ < β ^ 2 + 2 * β * (1 - β) * 1 + (1 - β) ^ 2 := by
simp only [add_lt_add_iff_right, add_lt_add_iff_left]
apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left this'
apply mul_pos (mul_pos two_pos hα₁)
simp only [sub_pos, hα₂]
_ = 1 := by ring_nf
simp only [lt_irrefl] at this
. rw [not_and_or] at hyzyz
rcases hyzyz with (Hy | Hy)
on_goal 1 => have Hyy : ‖y‖ < 1 := lt_of_le_of_ne hy Hy
on_goal 2 => have Hyy : ‖z‖ < 1 := lt_of_le_of_ne hz Hy
have :=
calc 1 = ‖x‖ := hx.symm
_ = ‖(β : 𝕜) • y + ((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ := by rw [hαx]
_ ≤ ‖(β : 𝕜) • y‖ + ‖((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ := norm_add_le _ _
_ ≤ β * ‖y‖ + (1 - β) * ‖z‖ :=
simp_rw [norm_smul, norm_ofReal, abs_of_pos hα₁]
rw [abs_of_pos]; simp_rw [sub_pos, hα₂]
_ < β * 1 + (1 - β) * 1 :=
{ apply add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le
apply mul_lt_mul' le_rfl Hyy (norm_nonneg _) hα₁
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hz
simp_rw [sub_nonneg, le_of_lt hα₂] }
{ apply add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt
exact mul_le_mul le_rfl hy (norm_nonneg y) (le_of_lt hα₁)
apply mul_lt_mul' le_rfl Hyy (norm_nonneg _)
simp only [sub_pos, hα₂] }
_ = 1 := by ring_nf
simp only [lt_irrefl] at this
. rw [not_and_or] at hyzyz
rcases hyzyz with (Hy | Hy)
on_goal 1 => have Hyy : ‖y‖ < 1 := lt_of_le_of_ne hy Hy
on_goal 2 => have Hyy : ‖z‖ < 1 := lt_of_le_of_ne hz Hy
have :=
calc 1 = ‖x‖ := hx.symm
_ = ‖(β : 𝕜) • y + ((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ := by rw [hαx]
_ ≤ ‖(β : 𝕜) • y‖ + ‖((1 - β : ℝ) : 𝕜) • z‖ := norm_add_le _ _
_ ≤ β * ‖y‖ + (1 - β) * ‖z‖ :=
simp_rw [norm_smul, norm_ofReal, abs_of_pos hα₁]
rw [abs_of_pos]; simp_rw [sub_pos, hα₂]
_ < β * 1 + (1 - β) * 1 :=
{ apply add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le
apply mul_lt_mul' le_rfl Hyy (norm_nonneg _) hα₁
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hz
simp_rw [sub_nonneg, le_of_lt hα₂] }
{ apply add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt
exact mul_le_mul le_rfl hy (norm_nonneg y) (le_of_lt hα₁)
apply mul_lt_mul' le_rfl Hyy (norm_nonneg _)
simp only [sub_pos, hα₂] }
_ = 1 := by ring_nf
simp only [lt_irrefl] at this

@[simps] def NormedSpace.Dual.transpose {E F : Type*} (𝕜 : Type*) [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E]
[NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F] (f : E →L[𝕜] F) :
Dual 𝕜 F →ₗ[𝕜] Dual 𝕜 E :=
{ toFun := λ x => x ∘L f
map_add' := λ x y => by
simp only [ContinuousLinearMap.add_comp]
map_smul' := λ c x => by
simp only [ContinuousLinearMap.smul_comp, RingHom.id_apply] }

lemma NormedSpace.Dual.transpose_isometry
{𝕜 X Y : Type*} [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedAddCommGroup Y]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 X] [NormedSpace 𝕜 Y] [Nontrivial X]
{f : X ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] Y} :
_root_.Isometry (NormedSpace.Dual.transpose 𝕜 f.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap) :=
rw [AddMonoidHomClass.isometry_iff_norm]
intro x
simp_rw [NormedSpace.Dual.transpose_apply]
have := calc ‖x ∘L f.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ ≤ ‖x‖ * ‖f.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ := ContinuousLinearMap.opNorm_comp_le _ _
_ = ‖x‖ * 1 := by rw [LinearIsometry.norm_toContinuousLinearMap]
_ = ‖x‖ := by rw [mul_one]
by_cases h : Subsingleton Y
. simp only [ContinuousLinearMap.opNorm_subsingleton, norm_eq_zero]
ext y
simp only [ContinuousLinearMap.coe_comp', LinearIsometry.coe_toContinuousLinearMap,
LinearIsometryEquiv.coe_toLinearIsometry, Function.comp_apply, ContinuousLinearMap.zero_apply]
suffices f y = 0 by rw [this, map_zero]
exact Subsingleton.elim _ _
rw [not_subsingleton_iff_nontrivial] at h
have := calc ‖x‖ = ‖x ∘L (f.symm.trans f).toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ := by simp only [LinearIsometryEquiv.symm_trans_self]; rfl
_ = ‖(x ∘L f.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap) ∘L f.symm.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ := rfl
_ ≤ ‖x ∘L f.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ * ‖f.symm.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ := ContinuousLinearMap.opNorm_comp_le _ _
_ = ‖x ∘L f.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ * 1 := by rw [LinearIsometry.norm_toContinuousLinearMap]
_ = ‖x ∘L f.toLinearIsometry.toContinuousLinearMap‖ := by rw [mul_one]

open NormedSpace in
@[simps] def LinearEquiv.transpose {E F : Type*} (𝕜 : Type*) [RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E]
[NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F] [Nontrivial E]
(f : E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] F) :
Dual 𝕜 F ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] Dual 𝕜 E :=
{ toFun := NormedSpace.Dual.transpose 𝕜 (f.toLinearIsometry).toContinuousLinearMap
invFun := NormedSpace.Dual.transpose 𝕜 (f.symm.toLinearIsometry).toContinuousLinearMap
left_inv := λ x => by
simp only [Dual.transpose_apply, ContinuousLinearMap.coe_comp',
LinearIsometry.coe_toContinuousLinearMap, LinearIsometryEquiv.coe_toLinearIsometry,
Function.comp_apply, LinearIsometryEquiv.apply_symm_apply]
right_inv := λ x => by
simp only [Dual.transpose_apply, ContinuousLinearMap.coe_comp',
LinearIsometry.coe_toContinuousLinearMap, LinearIsometryEquiv.coe_toLinearIsometry,
Function.comp_apply, LinearIsometryEquiv.symm_apply_apply]
map_add' := λ x y => by
simp only [map_add, Dual.transpose_apply]
map_smul' := λ c x => by
simp only [SMulHomClass.map_smul, Dual.transpose_apply, RingHom.id_apply]
norm_map' := λ x => by
simp only [coe_mk]
exact (AddMonoidHomClass.isometry_iff_norm _).mp Dual.transpose_isometry _ }

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