A config-driven theme controller
Sometimes it's bright. Sometime's it's not. Sometimes your eyes just need a break.
switches programs and applications between dark and light themes with
one command.
For installation instructions, configuration, and more, please see the online documentation at thcon.app, or the Markdown files in ./ docs/content.
It sounds like "thicken", and rhymes with "chicken", "quicken", and "stricken".
is short for "THeme CONtroller", pronounced like the English word "thicken". The name was chosen from a misunderstanding of pkcon as "PacKage CONtroller", and was maintained despite pkcon
actually being a "PackageKit CONsole client".
Feel free to pretend this less embarrassing explanation is the truth:
(pronounced like the English word "thicken") comes from the use of a roux to thicken a sauce while cooking, and is a play on the fact that a roux can cooked to either a light or dark color. A roux thickens your sauce and can be light or dark;thcon
makes your apps light or dark. Perhaps it should have been calledroux
For build and test instructions, see BUILDING.
BSD 3-Clause (SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause)